Chapter 23 - The King

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Violence warning ⚠️

"You're not dead yet..."

There were so many voices. Muffled but loud at the same time.

"You need to get up..."

Hands gripping her legs and arms. Her chest not moving.

"You'll get us both killed... if you don't get up-"

Her body was gently laid onto what felt like concrete ground. She was waking up, just barely. She heard footsteps approach her and the sound of someone giggling. The voice was high-pitched and ecstatic like a clown. "Oooh, she's a pretty one!"

(Y/N) was able to move her arm and ball up her fist as she slowly opened her eyes. The light blinded her but once everything settled she met the face of a demon with white skin and multiple gold eyes that all blinked in unison. Her long black hair fell all around her body with her bangs covering the top half of her face. "OOOH, SHE'S AWAKE!"

(Y/N) opened her eyes all the way and jumped back in fright, making the female demon laugh.

The woman crawled away but hit her back on something hard and fell back. That something was another female demon who was tall, muscular, and had no eyes. She didn't look at (Y/N) and stood still with her muscular arms folded behind her back.

(Y/N) pushed herself to her feet and moved away as she finally took in her surroundings.

There were demons... everywhere.

Demons to her left, demons to her right, up the walls, on different floors, they were everywhere.

They all yelled and snarled at the only human around who couldn't escape anywhere. All possible exits were blocked by demons who growled and swiped at her. The first demon she saw skipped up to her and poked her body with long arms. The demon's nails jabbed into (Y/N) painfully and kept at it while circling the woman laughing like a giddy kid.


(Y/N) did her best to avoid the demon but due to her groggy state she kept stumbling and almost tripping.

The demon spotted the bloody bandages wrapped around (Y/N)'s side and perked up like she had seen candy. "OOOOH BLOOD~!"

With one fast but hard poke to her wound, (Y/N) yelped in pain and fell to the ground while clutching her side. The demon tormented her by laughing and calling her a 'silly human' as a tear formed in (Y/N)'s eyes.

The demon smelled the scent of (Y/N)'s blood and rolled her eyes back at the delicious sensation hitting her nose. "Human blood~!" She moaned as she got down on all fours and crawled towards (Y/N).

"I want a taste! Just a drop! Or a gallon! Gimme your bloo-"

"Fucking bitch!"

Before the demon could even touch the woman she was kicked away roughly and far. The demon landed on the concrete ground but got up and looked to the one who kicked her with a hiss.

(Y/N) was scared to look at who saved her. She could see tattered boots enter her peripheral vision and another set stand behind her. She didn't want to see them.

"Why can't you two just share, huh?!" The first female demon hissed. "You can't have all that tasty blood to yourself!"

"Peach, you touch her again and I'll fucking kill you!" An enraged voice yelled that the demon known as Peach mocked. "YoU tOuCh HeR aGaIn AnD iLl KiLl YoU. Oh shut up, Akai!"

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