Chapter 48 - The Recollection

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"MOMMYYYY!!!" Shouted the three year old who ran across the pavement and dove into her mother's arm.

     (Y/N) giggled as she hugged her daughter tightly. "Hey, Sweetie! You have a good day at preschool?"

     The toddler nodded excitedly and held up a paper toy she had made with the help of the teachers. "We made a plane! My plane is purple!"

     She held up what (Y/N) didn't know was supposed to be a plane but gave the girl a proud look anyways. "That's so cool! We can show daddy once we get home."

"I hope that plane's for me." Spoke Axel who walked up to the two and made the girl scream in excitement.

"BING BONG!" She moved away from her mother and ran straight to her godfather who started to laugh and scoop her up.

     (Y/N) had to hold in her own laugh from the absurd nickname as she stood back up.

"How's the lil monster doing, hm? You beat up any kids today?" Axel asked which made the toddler giggled.

     (Y/N) gave him a look that made him shrug but the girl shook her head no, hugging her paper plane to her chest. "Princesses don't start fight, they finish them."

"Good! Keep remembering that." Axel encouraged. Having taught the girl that phrase himself to keep her from picking on other kids. She was a rough child.

"You like my plane, Bing Bong?" Lil B asked as she held her plane back up to show her godfather. Once again, Axel snickered but nodded his head.

     Every time the girl called him Bing Bong, he would always laugh. Since Lil B had trouble saying his actual name he suggested that she called him Bing Bong as a joke but it caught on to her. It's now his permanent nickname that he doesn't mind since he found it hilarious. But he hopes she'll stop by the time she's older, he didn't want to be an old man living a bachelor's life but still being called Bing Bong by his goddaughter.

     (Y/N) smiled at the two but started to feel off a bit. Like someone was watching her.

     While Axel and her daughter had an amusing conversation about the purple plane, (Y/N) turned her head a bit and noticed a group of mothers watching her with their kids held close to them. They weren't trying to be obvious that they were talking about her, only getting quick glances and keeping their voices low when (Y/N) wasn't looking. She looked down to her lab uniform she was still in, having just got off work with Axel to go pick her daughter up from preschool. Jules usually picked her up since he knew the looks the other parents would give his wife but he had to work over this time, meaning she had to go herself...

    (Y/N) turned back around, her already nervous feelings about coming here become much worse.

     She looked up to Axel and nodded towards his truck as she started walking, adorning a fake half smile she's so used to using. "We should go now. I-I'm sure she's hungry."

     Axel heard the stutter and looked to his friend concerned before turning his head to the other parents who quietly judged and feared the woman. He set his goddaughter down and held his hand in hers before sending the other parents a very threatening glare when the girl wasn't looking.

     Two mothers had a shocked look from the man's action, not expecting that from him.

     (Y/N) walked to Axel's truck, holding her gloved-covered hands together and nervously fumbling with her fingers as she walked past the present version of her who had watched the scene, remembering those same emotions she felt that day.

    Like an outcast. Like someone who was a danger to others. Like a demon.

"That's your daughter?" Reuban's rough voice caught (Y/N)'s attention. He stood next to her with his arms resting behind his back as he watched the small girl skip in her step.

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