Chapter 6 - The Mark

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    The next day came rather slowly, too slowly for (Y/N)'s liking.

    During the night, she and the other Keepers slept in their bunks but the Head Keeper had some trouble. She only managed to sleep for about an hour or so but the rest was spent staring at the bunk above hers. It was her fault though, she started thinking about the two again and sort of triggered herself. Before she could catch herself, her heart was already racing and paranoia began to set in that every little sound managed to scare her. She tried to distract herself but nothing seemed to work. As a last resort, she grabbed her coat and went outside to be with Jules. Hoping his company will keep her distracted.

    He wasn't at his cot so likely still working but she took a seat on it and decided to wait for him. Plus it felt better being outside than cramped inside a bunk. While she was sitting there though, it began feeling like she was being stared at. She didn't see anyone or anything looking at her nearby so her eyes began scanning the dark windows of the university building ahead of her.

    The feeling went away quickly but (Y/N) didn't bother staying around after that. Fortunately, Jules came back and noticed how anxious his wife was. She was grabbing at her hands again and darting her eyes everywhere which was usually a sign before she began to panic.

    So the man decided to grab another cot that wasn't being used and placed it next to his. Even though she could've been sleeping inside where it was warm, she felt safer being next to her husband who held her close to his body and wrapped a blanket over both of them to keep them warm. She managed to calm down and actually get some sleep thanks to him.

    But she was still pretty tired when the morning came. Jules was used to staying up for long hours at night but she wasn't.

    As they walked through the ruins of the university, (Y/N) was constantly yawning. Her helmet was on while she yawned which looked pretty funny to Axel who walked next to her.

    She subconsciously raised her hand to cover her mouth but hit the glass of the helmet instead which made her stagger.

"You tired, sleepyhead?"

"Hush. I had a long night." (Y/N) slapped his shoulder pad, making the man chuckle.

"Judging by how you and the Chief were all snuggled up like two homeless people sharing a blanket-"

     He received another slap from the woman. "I was getting anxious again! I couldn't sleep."

"Well if you ever get anxious again and your hubby isn't around, come find me. Me and the boys sometimes get together and have drinks if we can't sleep." Axel stated but got a suspicious look from the Keeper. "I thought Jules told you no alcohol."

     Axel leaned towards her and kept his voice low. "I mean he did- but I'm not the only one who likes to drink here..."


"SHHHHHHHHH!!!" The second in command shoved a finger into her mask like he was covering her lips. "Don't let him hear or he'll get all bossy again!"

"Axel we're on a mission!"

"And we need to relax every once in a while, right?!"

"Not by getting drunk! We've been over this!"


    The two broke away when one of the Capturers caught their attentions. They made their way over with Axel keeping (Y/N) behind himself and his gun at the ready. They rounded a corner and laid their eyes on something that confused everyone.

    On a wall in one of the classrooms was a large black marking that stretched horizontally on the back wall. The markings were of two jagged spikes that curved upwards, circles underneath each spike, and a handprint that dragged down to the floor. By how it was painted it looked like some creepy face. Three Capturers were close to the markings, examining it but not daring to touch it.

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