Chapter 37 - The Eyes

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     (Y/N)'s body laid out cold on the old bed with the blindfold tightly tied around her eyes.

    Akai pulled away from smelling her neck, completely unsure about what his girl really was now. She didn't smell like a demon but she has I9 in her!

"She's still a human, brother." Yama rolled his eyes, he was leaning against the wall watching his twin inspect the woman. But he couldn't blame him, even Yama was confused and he was supposed to be the smart one.

"You weren't there when she suddenly switched to that redhead bitch!" Akai hissed. "It was the same voice! She laughed the same and had that thing's movements before she got knocked out."

    Yama narrowed his eyes down at (Y/N). This was a bit conflicting. She switched into that demon that was after before? How would that even be possible if she killed it all those years ago? He shook his head and pushed himself off the wall. "Where's the quiet one, then?"

"Zankoku may have plans for (Y/N) so he went to see what they are. And I can guarantee they aren't good." Akai muttered. "Are you finished with how we can remove the damn hold or what?"

'So impatient.' Yama sighed annoyed before nodding. "It's finished. We just need a place to do it without interruption or Zankoku knowing."

     Yama walked up to (Y/N) and placed a hand over her forehead. She felt hot, maybe running a fever? "Your plan is what? Get away from here first with (Y/N) then what happens next?"

     Akai crossed his arms and glared at his brother. "Figure out what the hell is up with her! You said so yourself she ain't a demon so what the hell was that?!"

"We can figure that out when she wakes up. For now let her rest." Yama removed his hand from (Y/N)'s forehead and turned to Akai. "We'll need supplies to help lower her fever. And if the quiet one can't learn what Zankoku is planning for her than I'll try myself. He wouldn't assume that I have the same feelings towards her as you do."

     Akai looked at him unsurely. "Keep it that way."

     Yama glared back at him. He's not in no way a romantic. The last thing he needs is a relationship.

     Meanwhile, in (Y/N)'s mind, she was completely unaware of what was happening in the real world. She was still talking with Reuban inside her dark subconscious.

     He was only a fragment. The real Reuban has long since been dead or in his own words, "put to rest". Because (Y/N) was so close to being fully possessed at the time of I9's death, she not only inherited half of its abilities but also a small fragment of Reuban's sanity that was still inside of I9. That's why she still has the abilities. That one small fragment that was left behind. Her daughter has the eyes too but hasn't shown any signs of the abilities either. (Y/N) originally planned to see if Lil B can read minds once she was a little older but after learning what Reuban told her, it's unlikely she can. There's no way she can have a fragment if she wasn't possessed. Just the yellow eyes she inherited as being a physical trait.

"There's three ways to manipulate the minds of others. You have to do them quick and carefully." Reuban instructed. Since their talk, the man stated he wanted (Y/N) to fully know how to work her abilities. If she wanted to survive Zankoku, then she has to know.

     (Y/N) watched as he walked around her. She was on her feet and nervously staring out into the darkness ahead while Reuban watched out for the shadow that chased her. That shadow being I9.

"You already know how to read minds. You have that down to a T, yes?"

"Yea..." She muttered, nodding her head. It's something she can do naturally at this point.

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