Chapter 53 - The Truck Stop

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Violence Warning ⚠️

Ki kicked the old soaked door open and sent it flying deeper inside the small shed next to the truck stop.

(Y/N) heard the noise and moved a step back but Ki soon pulled her forward and brought her inside the shed.

The place didn't look like much. First room was mainly a living space with couches and a broken tv on the floor. The back room had a bed and a small bathroom next to it. Ki pulled (Y/N) over to the bed and made her take a seat. When she felt the rotted cushion and smelled the stench it gave off upon sitting, she covered her nose and winced.

Ki dropped the duffel bag next to the bed and let out a deep breath as he went to go block the entrance. Another temporary hideout.

While Ki was pushing a bookshelf in front of the door, (Y/N) felt around her surroundings. There was a cover, a very molded one... Some pillows, a sheet. When she pushed her hands underneath some pillows she felt something wooden and pulled it out. There was a lock that was broken so it must've been a box.

Careful not to let Ki hear she opened it up and felt around inside, feeling empty styrofoam in the shape of something. It felt like the shape of a knife but feeling around where the box was some more, she couldn't find anything else.

She pushed the box back where it was. If only she had at least something to protect herself with. Anything.

Ki finished blocking the door and patted all the dust off of him. Now they just needed to wait for Akai and Dog to catch up.


The dark demon turned around at the voice of his love. "Yes?"

"Where are we going?" (Y/N) asked. "To the city, then the highway, but after that?"

"Down south." Ki answered, moving over towards her and making her head look up at him. "Away from Zankoku's reach."

"So you can turn me..." She was speaking mostly to herself but he nodded. It's the only way she can remain in their lives for longer than her human years let her.

He leaned down and pressed his head against hers. He knew she was scared. A big change was going to happen and she'll need all the help she can get to adjust to being a demon. "We'll be there for you. You don't have to worry."

She stayed silent but balled up her fist. He thinks she's afraid of not adjusting? She's afraid of losing her family her good!

"You just don't understand..." She whispered. "You don't understand at all."

Ki pulled back a bit and his eyes stared into the cloth around her face. "What do I need to understand?"

She gritted her teeth and pulled away from him. There were so many things she could that would undoubtedly piss him off. While it would feel so good to just blurt everything out she didn't want him to potentially get physical with her. He's no stranger to it.

He grabbed her chin and pulled her back to him, looking deeply into her now. "Say it."

She sucked in a breath and lowered her head a bit. "I don't want to be a demon. Why can't you and Akai just accept that?"

"Because we're doing this for your own good." He had a faint growl in his voice. "Have some faith in us."

"Why would I have faith in a monster like y-"

Ki's claws gripped over her mouth, effectively hushing her up. She could feel each sharp claw cut into her skin a bit and she winced at the pain it brought, causing a tear to build up in her eye.

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