Chapter 3 - The Ascent

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    Tomorrow was the day... the 1st of January...

    They'll all be piling into trucks and taking the lift up to travel the surface for a couple of months before they can return home.

    Throughout the day, it was way more hectic than any other. The Capturers had to prepare the vehicles and line them up in order for tomorrow, selected Keepers had to transport their assigned demons deeper into the labs to be watched over by the Scientists until they can return, and (Y/N) and Jules, being in charge of the respective jurisdictions, had to watch over these processes and make sure that everything was done and settled before tomorrow. It was so tiring that they weren't able to leave the labs until almost midnight. Their daughter was likely asleep at her aunt's house.

    And that's where they were now. In Nora's two bedroom apartment deep in the city a couple of miles away from the Castor Labs. The couple was in the living room on the couch together with their daughter laying in (Y/N)'s arms asleep. They tried entering the home quietly knowing both her and Nora's son, who was 4, were asleep but as soon as the door closed it was like their daughter sprung awake.

    The mother was deep in thought as she held her daughter. She didn't notice that she accidentally activated her ability on herself and replayed memories of spending time with her daughter. From the day she was born till now. Jules was busy talking to Nora while she was in the kitchen making a late night snack. They kept their voices low while they went over the arrangements they made.

    Nora began working from home when she and her husband had their son. Her husband was also a doctor who often had to work longer shifts than Nora, meaning he didn't have much time to spend at home. Nora was able to switch to online work, having the job of keeping documents organized, ordering supplies for the hospital she worked at, making sure each doctor was updated and on task. It wasn't what she went to school for but she was able to take care of their baby, eventually, she plans to return though.

    (Y/N) began blinking as she snapped away from the small trance she put herself under. She looked down to the toddler resting on her chest then peaked up at the other two adults talking. She should put Lil B back to bed and her and Jules needed to get some rest before the morning came, knowing how early they had to wake up.

    She tapped her husband on his shoulder and he turned to look at her. "We should get going. It's getting super late."

    Jules nodded and held out his arms which made his wife tilt her head, confused. "I'll put her to bed, knowing how loud you are." He yawned.

"That was only one time!" (Y/N) wasn't gonna step on another loud toy that would wake up both children which would've taken another half hour to put them back to sleep.

"One time too many. Now come on." (Y/N) rolled her eyes as she carefully handed over the girl and watched as Jules kissed his daughter on the forehead before getting up and heading to the back where the kids room was.

    (Y/N) adjusted her shirt and began feeling eyes on her. She looked over to meet her sister who stood at the kitchen counter gushing at the couple. "Y'all are so cute! I can't take it!" Nora dramatically held a spoon up to her head like a damsel in distress.

    (Y/N) muffled a laugh before heading over to the counter and sitting on a stool. "When do you think Avery is coming back?"

"Tomorrow. As usual, he'll come in, get some sleep, eat some food, spend some time with Tyr, then head back out there. I swear, I tell this man to take a vacation but he's so much of a workaholic that it's tiring me." Nora rolled her eyes. "These once a week day offs aren't enough."

    She was just glad her husband was at least using his day offs to spend time with their son at least. Tyr has gotten so used to seeing his dad once a week that he doesn't ask Nora where he was anymore. Knowing he'll come back sometime during the week, even predicting which days too. That boy was too smart for his age.

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