Chapter 5 - The Stalkers

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    The eyes returned once again like it had promised.

     It was later into the evening so time has passed since this morning. The group of humans was all set up and preparing for the night. Cots near the trucks were laid out for the Capturers, a mini station was placed in the center of the vehicles that was being used to cook dinner, and every so often Capturers with loaded guns would walk by as they guarded the group until they shifted positions. It would look like a little camp if it weren't for the cage that held the demon that was captured earlier.

    From what it had learned, the two women were the Head Keeper and Head Scientist. They both stood by as they watched the Keepers study the demon and take notes while the Scientists prepared something inside one of the carriers. It looked like they were preparing to run tests on it.

    The Chief walked up to the two women and began talking to one while wrapping his arms around the other. It guessed those two were in a relationship of some kind since they've been close together for most of the time.

     The eyes looked away as they back away from the window they were hiding at. Being this close to the humans was already risky enough but it need to learn about them before going back.

     It didn't want to make them mad...

     Believing that it had gathered enough information, the figure walked towards an opening in the roof that it used to enter without getting noticed. Passing by a mirror, the demon caught sight of his appearance and sighed.

    Cloth wrapped around his body and head while a wooden mask covered his face. There were small eye holes that allowed him to see but even those were covered in a thin black material. He wore baggy pants that tied the ends around his knees which stopped at his large clawed legs that were similar to a raptor. He was hunched over and appeared to be quite skinny if it weren't for the lump of limbs on his back, hiding underneath the layers of dirty fabric. The figure proceeded to the opening as those limbs stretched out like a spider and grabbed onto the roof with gloved hands while pulling himself up. He took a last glance at the humans before heading off into the night using his long limbs to swing from building to building.

    He traveled several miles from the university, deeper into the city. Sneaking past other demons and choosing to stick to the shadows. He didn't want any confrontation since they'll only waste his time. However, when he reached a balcony of an apartment building, he hesitated to climb up. His eyes looked upward at where he needed to go and had to push himself to climb up.

    One limb after the other, he climbed and climbed until he stopped just before the roof's railing. A low grunt came from him as he pulled himself up and crawled onto the roof. His covered head remained low as he can hear footsteps approach him before seeing raggedy boots appear in his sight.

"So what? What did you find?"

"They- they're humans... from underground." His voice was raspy and low like he was scared to speak up to the one in front of them.

    A moment of silence followed before the one in front spoke again.

"What zone? They should have vehicles with numbers on them. Did you see a number?"

"I- I think it was 12." Suddenly, he was grabbed by the throat and forced to meet the red eyes that glared down at them. "You think or are you sure?!"

"I'm sure!" He quickly nodded before being dropped down.

"Those motherfuckers-" he can hear the man growl underneath his breath while he stayed low to the ground. Not daring to meet any of their eyes again.

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