Chapter 36 - The Mind

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    Her mind was so muddled. It felt like her body was falling thousands of feet in slow motion. Everything around moved like a wave, or maybe just her body.


     Something was calling her. But she couldn't move. She couldn't open her eyes. She couldn't even hear the voice correctly.

     But then something cold tapped her head and suddenly the falling and waving feelings were pushed away. She felt still and was finally able to open her eyes. A gasp escaped from (Y/N)'s mouth after it felt like she wasn't breathing for hours. All she saw was black. There was nothing around besides an ominous darkness that surrounded her.

    She used her arms to push herself up but didn't feel anything underneath. She looked to see no ground but even more of the darkness. As she moved into a sitting position, she turned her head and looked around. But still nothing. She can see herself. Her hands, legs, clothes, but nothing for miles.

     Where was she? Was she dreaming?

"Over here...."

     (Y/N) jumped when a deep raspy voice came from behind her in an echo. She turned around but saw nothing.

     Finally getting to her feet, she looked out to where the voice came from.

"Head this way..."

'Is that..?' Her eyes widened. That's the voice she kept hearing in her head lately. She thought it was just her brain playing tricks on her or maybe she was going insane but now she's actually hearing it with her ears and not her mind. But who or what is the voice?

     She hesitated but eventually began to take steps towards the direction it was coming from. She couldn't hear her cautious footsteps but the more she walked the more she began to feel her feet hit the ground and a wet pitter-patter like she was walking in puddles. Looking down the darkness underneath her did begin to move and contort in ripples similar to water.

"Yo-u're goin-g.. to DIE li-ke the others-!"

    (Y/N) screamed and fell to the ground when a different, more familiar, and broken voice yelled in her ears. Her eyes quickly darted around but still saw nothing. She started hearing chuckling behind her and moved to her feet. But again nothing.

"You- were... asking to- get kill-ed by me-"

     That voice spoke in her ear again and it didn't take long for the woman to start running. She spotted a dark figure flash by her eyes and almost fell again before taking off.

"Your chi-ldren... are dead."

     What did it mean? Lil B? Tuca?

"I... should k-ll hi-im too..."

     That dark figure flew by her that she almost missed it. When it passed it left a freezing chill that washed over her body and made her feel like her heart had stopped beating.

     Who was 'him'? Jules? Her mind couldn't think straight as she could see bright flashes in her mind that didn't make sense and further made her panic. She ran like her life depended on it and the small splashes her footsteps made turned into full-on water being thrown. She felt like she was running in a deep lake.

"Do-n't you... want to d-ie, (Y/N)..?"

     (Y/N) furiously stopped running when the dark figure was now ahead of her. It had its back to her and stopped slouched over and twitching. Her body was still. Thinking if she moved it would turn around and notice her. Whatever it was.

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