Chapter 19 - The Sight

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    Waves crashed into each other and cold wind blew furiously through the air making most of the humans stay inside their vehicles. Only a few Capturers had to step out to survey the area. Besides one curious woman.

    (Y/N) stood entranced by the sight before her. Frozen sand stuck to her slightly wet boots. She watched the waves move about and the late night sky with hundreds of stars shine above her.

    This was her first time at a beach. An actual beach. Not an artificial one with a screen displaying a fake sky and man-made waves. But a real life beach.

    She looked down at the frozen sand and noticed some small shells and rocks buried within it. She crouched down to pick one up while Capturers behind her began inspecting a shed nearby. It wasn't a large shed but still needed to be looked at. One Capturer grabbed the frozen rusted handle and with one tug yanked the door open. When (Y/N) heard gunshots she whipped around and saw the three Capturers aiming their guns down at a...

    Already dead demon.

"Holy fuck..." One huffed from the jumpscare.

"What's going on?" Jules called as he came over to the three after hearing the commotion.

    (Y/N) held her chest from also being scared and went back to picking up the little shells she had found. They weren't like the big ones she used to see in photos but they were still pretty all the same.

    After checking the commotion Jules shook his head and went over to his wife who stood up. "I gotta teach them how to not waste ammo..."

    (Y/N) held something close to her chest as she turned around and met eyes with her husband. He looked down at her hands questioningly. "What are you holding?"

"Shells! Look." She made sure none would fall and held them out for her husband to see.

"You know I could've brought you some during my trips." He picked one up and inspected it while (Y/N) watched him curiously. "You've been to a beach before?"

"A couple of times. They're better in the summer for sure."

"Sir." A Capturer approached, interrupting the couple.

    Jules nodded to him to continue, giving (Y/N) her shell back.

"I think here would be a good place to camp for the night. Dolwick isn't far now but the crew should rest up beforehand."

    Jules looked around. They haven't found any activity and the vast beach does allow them to see any demons approaching. And after the events from earlier... they could use a break. "Agreed. But we'll be leaving first thing in the morning."

    He dismissed the Capturer who went to help set up camp.

    (Y/N) placed all her shells in her coat pocket and then felt the arms of her husband wrap around her waist and pull her into his chest. He rested his helmet covered head against hers and sighed tiredly. "Wish it wasn't so cold out. I would love to take you for a swim."

"And what about the team?" She leaned into him and embraced the warmth radiating off his body.

"Axel can babysit them while we're gone."

"Jules!" She giggled which made the man squeeze her tighter. "Or we can go right now and possibly risk catching a cold."

"Chief!" Someone called. The man exhaled in disappointment and leaned his head towards the Capturer who called. "Yes! What is it?"

"We see trucks approaching from the west!"

    The married couple widened their eyes and turned around. Jules released his wife and together they walked up the beach and towards the camp. When Jules reached the tank he climbed a ladder connected to the side and stood atop the machine. And indeed there were vehicles approaching them from the road that joins the one they were on.

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