Chapter 55 - The Savage

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Violence Warning ⚠️

    Ki's eyes were set on the tree line. As soon as they can get out of the open, the easier it will be to evade anyone else who tried to stop them. And with the sky getting dark, it was just another advantage for him.

    As he was about to jump over a fallen tree and finally land in the forest, a dark figure appeared out of nowhere right in front of Ki. Long sharp objects swiped out at Ki's face but the demon quickly teleported a few yards away, just in time.

    (Y/N) wasn't prepared for the sudden teleporting as her whole body was once again freezing. Why did he do that? She couldn't move herself to see what was happening.

     Akai saw the disturbance from the sky and what he saw made him clench his jaw.

     Ki growled before screeching out at Dog who had stopped him from running. The spider demon was just standing there with heavy breaths while his eight legs on his back were all slumped to the ground. He was twitching and slowly standing up to his full height which Ki watched incredulously.

     What was he doing?! He has his orders!

     But Dog didn't plan on following them. Not anymore.

     With his mask fully gone, his entire face was visible. His three slanted black eyes stared deeply into Ki while his wide spider-like mouth creaked open to show the large set of fangs that curved out of his lips.

     Dog's breathing was beginning to pick up as he took stumbling steps towards Ki and each leg one by one raised up all around him. Ki started to back up as Akai started heading back to the ground. (Y/N) tried to see what was going on but in her head, she could hear the old man chuckle.

     Dog couldn't think straight. He couldn't see straight. But something inside him felt like it was awakening for the first time and it wanted blood.

     It wanted to slaughter.

"The fuck you think you're doing?!" Akai yelled as he landed and marched up to Dog who turned to him. Akai threw his arm out to grab him but one of Dog's legs shot out and impaled the demon's arm cleanly through.

     Akai widened his eyes and so did Ki. His blood trickled down Dog's leg and this made the demon excited. Hungry even. He wanted more.

     The leg was yanked out by Akai who gritted his teeth at the pain of it. His arm shifted to cover the wound before he shot out his other arm and landed a hit on Dog's face, making him stumble back. Dog avoided hitting the ground by sporadically picking himself up with his spider legs and propelling himself towards Akai. The blond hissed, jumping out of the way before Dog could latch himself onto him.

     Ki created a portal where Dog was going to fall but the spider saw this and dashed away in the blink of an eye.

"What the fuck?!" Akai grunted as he got up to look where Dog went but he was gone. "I'm gonna kill him! I'm gonna FUCKING KILL HIM!"

     As (Y/N) started getting over her chills, she lifted herself up and spotted a black flash traveling across the field they were in. Was that Dog? He was fighting back?

    The flash started traveling straight to Ki and before (Y/N) could speak, Dog appeared emitting an insane screech while all his legs targeted Ki. The dark demon hitched a growl as Dog's body crashed into his, both their bodies hitting the ground with (Y/N) falling from Ki's shoulder into the snow.

     Dog's many legs dove into Ki's body and latched himself to his back while Ki struggled to shake him off. Loud screeches came from him as Dog was moving so wildly it caused Ki to stumble and trip all over. He finally had enough and flipped his entire body over until he landed on his back as well as Dog, crushing him under his weight. Ki grabbed some of Dog's legs and ripped them out of his body before pushing himself up and flinging the rest of Dog away.

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