Enjoy The Rain

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"I got weird looks for this but... I got them shaped like blades to give you an edge in a fight. And I also added these two pieces for better support.", he pointed at the two new sponge rubber paddings on the crutches that were to go under my arms.

I held one of them in my hands. "That'll be really great."

I wrapped their straps around my shoulders and tried to stand up. My feet got in an awkward position which hurt but I couldn't move a single muscle. It was, in a way... suffocating. Other than that once I began to "walk" around with them, I was surprised at how well the sharp ends were handling my weight.

"Alright, Green. Now just find me a job and I'll be on my... way.", something didn't feel right about what I said.

"Okay.", he was about to turn on his laptop.

"No!", yelled Lara as she hastily came downstairs. "What do we do if the same shit happens again?"

"Yeah...", I almost whispered.

Green slowly closed his laptop as we all thought for a moment.

"Are you sure your laptop is secure?", her desperate tone highlighted every word.

"Yes, for the millionth time, I checked everything!"

"How did they even know which job we would accept? Was that 'client' in on it or were his original dealers just murdered and replaced by those Goons? How many jobs will we see that are actually rigged?"

"I-", he couldn't continue.

"See? Exactly.", she stood there with her arms crossed as uncomfortable silence shadowed over us for a good minute.

"We need to take them down.", I was stern.

They just looked at me with a blank face.


She began to show her disappointment with her rubbing her eyes halfway through my sentence, "It's the only way."

"There's no point in this partnership.", she said in a deadpan voice.

"We need to take them down. For good. Finish what my father started."

"And be slaughtered like him?"

"He was alone."

"So are you now. Because I'm done here.", Green immediately turned to face her. "Come on, Derek. We'll find our own way."

"What way?, I asked in an almost condescending way.

"Something that isn't a death wish!"

"One by one."

She showed confusion along with a hint of pity on her face.

"One by one, we take out their facilities. Starting small, and making our way up as we-"

She began to laugh.

"God, you're so cocky."

"What is your plan then?"

"To actually survive."

"How?! Believe me, I'm all ears."

"It's everything that doesn't involve taking down a government organisation by a bastard that can't do shit!"

"You're dodging the question!"

"And you're dodging legitimate concerns. Like, what the fuck is this? Just hop in there, kill everybody, rinse and repeat? No strategy, no solution in case of failure, no nothing?!"

"No strate- Who said we won't have a strategy? We're gonna take down the facilities under the jurisdiction of that armless woman. Reduce the image of her competence and make our way up."

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