Just Two Criminals

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All the bullet holes had been mysteriously healed and I was in no pain.

I was there for a while. The night as dark as I, right after that highway chase. I just sat there on my knees staring at myself in that car's window in a parking lot with no other vehicle around other than my motorcycle outside. I had all sorts of questions repeating themselves over and over. I just kept staring at my shiny glowing eyes, in this mortifying version of me that I could turn to, at will. I didn't know how to stand up in that form, I could only crawl.

I kept on staring.

I then saw a bit of blue in my eyes for a very, very brief moment, like a glitch in a program, which startled me so I almost knocked the wind out of the car door due to fear. But before my fist even hit it, the glass shattered and the door was pushed inwards a little bit.

I screamed a little, out of panic in the same inhuman roar. Restrained myself from all the screams building up inside.

As I was doing so, I saw two men running towards the car, coming from the entrance of the lot, but they stopped the moment they saw me. We were all startled which made me somehow stand up on my pointy ends. Then I noticed I wasn't actually standing.

I was levitating a foot off the ground.

To say they were terrified would be an understatement. One of them just ran to the corner of the room and cowered in fear while staring at me, while the other stayed in his place. He was also wearing a grey flight suit, but not the same people as before. He then took out a sub machine gun while shaking and began to shoot at me. I brought up my arms to defend myself. The pain of each bullet was...

Flickering, truck, crash, bones crushed.

Flickering... truck... crash... bones crushed






I used the car for cover once I stopped spacing out. He began to shoot the car while one of them screamed in fear. I groaned in pain as my forearms were busted up. the shooting stopped, and I felt his movements. He was reloading. During this, the bullets he fired at me, began crawling out of my arms by themselves.

I then felt him running towards the car.

Without thinking, I jumped over the car like an animal and attacked him. I dug my claws into his chest, effortlessly so, and split him into two pieces as the other stared directly into my eyes. The room was painted red.

I was going to just run away from the other... but then he took out a 9mm handgun.

Before he pulled the trigger, I crawled to him, grabbed his arm and effortlessly bent it the other way, and then I stared into his eyes as he tried to scream, but I kept his mouth shut.

I began staring at his rapidly breathing chest, remembering how I struggled to breathe in the...






I ripped out his rib cage.

I didn't even know why.

He didn't... do anything. I could have just run away and he wouldn't have chased after me.

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