Lara's Arm

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TRIGGER WARNING: Violence against a child.  Skip to the next highlighted segment to proceed to the rest of the story of this part. 

"Lara.", said the buff old man in front of her. "How old are you?"

"I'm twelve."



"Blood type?"


"Ah, the most adaptable one."

"Are we gonna train already or keep playing 20 twenty questions?"

He landed his foot on the side of her head with brute force as she fell but quickly regained balance. He yelled, "I ask the questions around here. You're gonna keep your filthy mouth shut and do as I fucking say before I throw you out to the wolves like half your pathetic friends. Understood?!"

She didn't respond. 

"Is that understood?", he pulled her ear.

She yelped in pain before pulling his giant hand close to her face, and biting off a small chunk of his skin.

"Fucking brat.", he whispered as he looked at his comrade next to him. "You get out-of-control often, I see.", he took a look at her previous trainer with the broken arm.

"When I need to, yeah.", she replied. "Besides, I only did as he asked."

"I'll teach you a good lesson.", he pulled out a hunting knife.

"That's not allowed for people below fifteen!", she yelled.

"A good lesson can be learned at any age.", he swung his blade around as she barely managed to dodge each time, before the old man was interrupted by his colleague saying, "Stop! She's just a trainee!"

She saw a spare blade near his boot and swiftly took the opportunity to get ahold of it. 

"A little thief too? How low do you even go? As low as your whore mother?"

She shrieked as she charged at him, shoving a good length of the blade in his knee as he finally grabbed her, pinned her down, with one of his foot on her hands. "Especially for a kid, you've built impressive arms. Now you'll learn the price of an attitude and not knowing your fuckin' place."

"NO! NO!", she tried to escape, "Dad! Derek! Help! Help me!", she cried out. 

He swung it at her like she was just meat at a butcher shop. At first she didn't feel anything, but hell unleashed itself upon her little shoulder after a second as she screamed hard enough to rupture her own vocal chords.

She held her severed arm in her other hand as she withered around the ground, trying to stop her bleeding. 

"Watch over this brat. No service of Sterling until tomorrow."

"Sir... She's gonna lose it permanently."

"Are you fuckin' deaf?"

"N-No, sir. I understood."

"Alan! HELP ME!", she screamed once the old man left. 

"Kid... I'm sorry. Nothing I can do, I- "

"CALL ROGER, PLEASE! PLEASE, IT BURNS SO BAD!", the rest of her words became incoherent through her crying. 

"I'm sorry. I can't watch this.", he left the room, locking it behind him. 

She screamed again, to no avail. She felt a shred of hope once she saw the vents, as she rushed to it, used her own blood to soften the screws, and pulled at them, using what little strength she had left.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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