The New Body

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Same day

Around 6:00 PM.

I woke up feeling well rested and absolutely filled with energy, which was very uncommon. It put me in a better mood but the moment I got up from bed, I felt so overwhelmed by my own senses that I almost fell to the floor.

My eyesight felt much sharper and I could feel objects around me. I knew almost the exact position of my bed behind me, the nightstand, the lamp on it, the door next to it for the bathroom and how open it was.

To say I was confused, would be an understatement.

But for some reason, my hearing didn't seem alright. It was as if both my ears were a little blocked. I rubbed them both thoroughly to maybe pop them but no luck.

I ignored it thinking it'd be alright soon and walked downstairs to the living room after putting on some clothes. I was greeted by Sarah. She had her signature, dyed, flamingo pink hair, down to the shoulder blades, a round face too adorable, two inches shorter than me, and white skin but not as pale as me, wearing black jeans and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, which was also my way of clothing.

"Sarah...", I rushed to her as she turned around on the chair and got up to hug me tightly. "I didn't think I'd see you again back there.", we both cried.

We kissed for a bit before we wiped off each others' tears.

"You're okay.", she said in a shaky voice.

"Did you see the bloody clothe-"

"Uh, no? But why didn't you go to the damn hospital?"

"Because I'm fine. I feel physically great, especially after rest. That's not what we need to worry about right now."


"Take a look.",

I took off my shirt and showed her. My body was just fine.

"You really didn't see any bloodied clothes?"


I hastily went through the washing machine, I pulled out the torn apart clothes, but my evidence was long gone.

"Okay, but we're going to the hospital later, whether you like it or not."

I put my shirt back on. "Tell me what you've found out so far."

"I was, um, looking into the info of that man. The truck driver. His co-workers say he was an alcoholic and that he had just had a few drinks before he went out for another delivery just... moments before the curfew was declared. They say he didn't pick up his phone once. I don't get why he would just switch lanes for no reason like that. Maybe someone really did try to kill you but... we have no evidence and have no idea why someone would even try to...", she began to ramble as I spaced out.

I don't wanna put unnecessary work on her, she already has so much shit to take care of.

I sat down with her on the couch as she held me and I just thought to myself

"What if no one did?", I spoke.

"What?", she looked at me in pure confusion.

"What if I actually was seeing things? I mean, I was scared... beyond belief and it was a bit late at night so I really might have been just... seeing things. I don't wanna increase your work for no reason. I really don't."

"But.. you were so sure over the phone.", she said in disbelief. "And the bloody clothes?"

"I said that without sleeping at all the whole night. I'm sorry I worried you but I think you should probably just not look more into this", I rubbed her shoulders, "and waste your time. Let's just be glad I'm alive!"

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