Productive Discussions

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The next morning.

I opened my eyes to see my Sarah next to me, relying on me yet again to be her alarm clock, no matter how important the day. I closed the distance between us to give her a full attack of kisses on her head, and a little tickling. She begins to giggle and lets that music massage parts of my brain I didn't even know existed. She hugged me tight and whispered, "Good morning, cutie."  

I tried to say it back, but my voice wouldn't come out. I tried to force out any sound, only to end up screa-

"AAAH!", my other voice woke me to a dull and cold room as I noticed my arms spread out for Sarah, touching nothin' but air . A pain hit my eyes and my whole neck where Brandon had shot me. My eyes were losing colour as it felt like they were glitching just like a broken TV. I could see just fine, with perfect clarity as well but every few milliseconds the colour from anything was drifting in and out, followed by a strange burning.

I simply closed them and held my head with both my hands. It burned even more so. My hands began to grow and turn black by themselves as I suffered from the pain for some time.

I opened my eyes once the pain drifted away within a minute or so.

I groaned.

What the hell did he give me now?
This better fucking get healed soon...

Should I even tell them? They'll just think something might be wrong with me. Might worsen our already weak alliance.

There was a night stand next to me that I smashed out of anger. Made my knuckles bleed.

After laying in my bed all night, having gotten the most sleep I'd had in a while, I finally got up but almost fell down because of how weak my legs felt. It was as if I had run a dozen marathons with them the day before and it was almost painful. But bearable.

What the Hell- What is it now?!

I tried to walk as fast as I could but couldn't go faster than a snail.

Why are my arms fine then? The hell is happening?!

I saw Green staring intently at his briefcase-sized laptop. It was extremely thick and he was browsing through photos of random people to kill.

Blue light poured in through the windows. 

Lara was lying on the couch, not having gotten an ounce of sleep. Probably because of me in the house.

What a Drama queen.

"Wallace. Look at this one. There's a good chance we're getting paid to do nothing here. Absolutely nothi-"

"To do nothing? No, that sounds fishy.", I replied as I managed to hide my struggle to sit down on the recliner next to his.

"Look at it. They simply need a sniper to watch over a deal. These folks don't trust the ones they'll be meet-"

"Bodyguard then?"


"And if it goes south I just shoot? Even if I don't have to, I get the money?"

"Exactly. We still get paid."

"Still sounds a bit too convenient."

He sighed, "Yeah, yeah. But you must do this one. We're getting five grand."

"When's the deal?"


"And it's...", I looked at the corner of his screen, "5:38."

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