Getting Out

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Direct continuation.

The fear in me flowed like an electric current. Someone was about to catch me in the act.

Why are his relationships classified? What is category one? What exactly is an "Arthen"?!

Who the fuck killed my father...?

Lara barged in after a minute of trying to think of an escape. "No... fucking way.", she yelled to herself as she took one step back. She took out a gun that had a very needle-like end and I instantly knew what it was so I almost subconsiously pulled out the entire monitor for defense.

The needle went through the monitor but failed to do its job as it was stuck. I felt a small bit of confidence once I took it out and held it in my hand. I pulled away the monitor for a split second to aim at her, but the opposite happened and my right thigh had been struck with another large syringe as she stood there.

I immediately took it out after pulling the monitor back up for cover. Only a small amount of the sedative had entered which I knew was enough to fill me with regret later on. My anger was getting back up to my head.. as I yelled in my inhuman roar.

I split the monitor into two halves and threw one at her face, the other at her knees as she fell down but the instant she tried to get up, I used telekenesis to hit her head as hard as possible with the thin monitor, and ran out into the hallway. It was a dark grey, ship-like hallway that instantly made my head spin. Another feeling of dreadful familiarity hit me. The sedative was beginning to kick in as my entire body felt heavier than ever, as if I was wearing a 14" thick metal suit. 

I was mid transformation once I looked down at myself, around 6'4"  and it took more than a lot of effort to run forward while trying to fully transform. I felt Lara running up to me so I turned around instantly and landed a strong punch right at her face but even though my fist never had to come in contact with her, she landed a few feet away by the impact of an invisible force. 

I fell once I saw that my feet had merged with my legs to reveal the icicle-like ends but I wasn't able to levitate. My vision became slightly blurry. All I had now were my heavy arms, and another large weight to carry.

I felt another object flying towards me so I instinctively turned around while lying on the floor as I began to pull together the two walls on my side just in time, using the telekinesis. It took up way more energy than it should have, but it was enough to stall her. It then almost looked as if they were welded shut. To make sure, i pulled the ceiling and floor towards the centre as well as she cursed at me and banged at the metal. I was shocked at how strong this power was, to have bent metal like it was clay. The hallway was now blocked, but I was beginning to lose precious energy and time.

I won't become your fucking guinea pig.

I let my anger fuel me back up. I used my arms like I did on the highway to get to the end of the long and dull hallway.

The moment I got to the T-point, I was hit by a strong, blunt object from the left as I was sent flying a few feet away to the right. I caught a glimpse of a large, dark green man with literal tentacles coming from his back that looked like spider legs. I took advantage of the fact he had pushed me so far down the hallway and put my arms to their full potential for the moment.

"Not so fast.", I heard an eerie voice right next to my ear. I realized he was just behind me and I knew there wasn't much I could have done to fight so I gouged out his orange right eyeball with my fingers and moved forward as his screaming became distant.

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