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Some days later

"And, uh, I was thinking of, um, getting my hair dyed.", she said hesitantly as she ate.

"Uh-huh.", he said, not even pretending to be interested as he focused on the food.

"A-A bright color, y'know. Red, maybe pink.", she smiled, hoping he would look at her and smile back.


"Could you, uh, put your phone aside for a bit? Let's... talk?", she said, not liking what she had said.

"Yeah.", he continued to scroll.

"Fuck's sake!", she got up and yelled, as he didn't even flinch.

He just kept on eating while scrolling through his phone's gallery.

"I...", she began to tear up, "try and try... and you do nothing to hold up this relationship. If it even is that, anymore..."

He could not care less.

"Put away the fucking phone. Please.", she begged.

"Yeah.", he peacefully shoved more food in his mouth.

She took his phone and held it tightly.

"Sophie. Give it back.", he said softly.

"Talk to me and I will."

He put his arm on the table and rested his head on his hand, "About what?"

"Us! You fucking asshole!"

"Okay. Go on.", he wasn't the slightest bit offended.

"I cheated on you."

"I know."

"I'm in love with him."


"But I've been ignoring him for a week now because... Eddie, we've... been together 6 years now. I don't wanna throw all that away. I've been trying to connect with you again.", she became louder, "I've been trying so fucking hard and all you do is just sit there, less responsive than a fucking wall!", her tears bursted out. "I thought I could build up my love for you back. Maybe we still can work this out. But will you please just stop shutting yourself out...? To me, at least... I'm your wife, Eddie. I'm your wife and you don't talk... to me."

He sat there, bored, not caring at all.

"What happened... to the real Eddie? The one who always noticed when I was hiding behind a happy face, the one who always listened to me, the one who always... loved me? What happened to that Eddie?!", she couldn't control her voice from breaking.

He smirked at her and replied, "Something great.", he stood up as she was suddenly thrown into a pit of confusion, " Something better. Better... than any of us."

"What- What the hell do you mean 'any of us'? Are you seeing somebody?! Answer me!"

He put on his coat and walked out of the apartment as she kept calling his name. He ran his hand through his brown bushy beard and his hair with a smile on his face while he stepped into the elevator and looked at himself in the mirror as a woman got in.

"Hello, Martha.", he said enthusiastically.

"As always, you smell like shit.", she began to scroll through her Twitter feed.

"Hey, look at me for a second."

"Sorry, don't wanna catch diseases."

He takes her phone.

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