Pain With Dignity

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My hand broke through his teeth as it returned to me at a speed I couldn't process. His mouth painted the floor with his solidified blood, his teeth in shambles, his pride stained. I used that hand for a short burst to launch myself in the air for a few seconds, to strike a hit with my left at his injured mouth, as I fell back down.

Type 11...

He calmly walked a few feet back as I observed him while waiting for my body to heal up. At this point I couldn't even tell what exactly had been broken in me. He looked up, with his back turned to me as I stayed ready. Each second ticking by infuriated me.

His leg, right at the tibia, began to grow in size as his knees bent, while still standing. He then stood taller, as his legs had now taken the shape of a bird's or a large reptile's. Though the foot still remained the same circular and compact shape.

His arms were now longer as well, as he turned around and showed his new face... Elongated at the mouth, a few yet dense and sharp teeth prominently announcing their presence.

He roared at me, in a grungy, heavy, sound emerging from his entire diaphragm, with many sickening sounds of clicking. I quickly roared back with all I had, and gestured a blow to be thrown right at his face with full force.

It wasn't even meant to harm, but to rather, show that my fear won't hold me back.

His arms stretched out and threw one large dart that formed inside him, which pinned me to the floor after launching me several feet back. He charged at me as I did my best to gesture as many attacks of my power as I could, but it was worthless.

He crushed nearly every bone of mine before his face was struck with a large metal object. It wasn't Lara.

I looked at it, as he began to roar towards the upper floor after stepping away.

A worried, stammering, and weak voice spoke aloud, "Use that on his joints! And don't miss, I don't have much ammo! Just form a- form a fist to launch the shots!"

I looked up and saw some strange two-toned hair poking out from a doorway above, near a railing. I turned myself human just enough to yell aloud as my voice sounded stranger than ever, "Why would I trust you?!"

I tried to take out the large dart out of my stomach while Mark tried to climb up to see who it was.

Lara yelled with almost the last of her breath, "He's right. That thing's... Useful."

Mark looked at me and was just about to snatch it away, but I began to use my powers to push him away, with my hand spread wide. Using that much power.. felt as if the skin of my arm was being torn away. It slowed him down, just enough for me to grab the strange weapon as it clipped onto my arm itself. It was almost like a gauntlet, but my hand was fully revealed, and it only utilised my forearm. It had bioluminescent liquid in the two small tanks on it, and a trigger right between my index and fuck-you finger.

I positioned it at his left arm as a part of the bright liquid let itself out, and latched onto his elbow area, as the gorgeous noise of sizzling meat made him whimper in pain, in a strange side of his voice.

My powers couldn't hold him back much longer as he charged at me again, but I still hadn't fully taken out the dart yet and couldn't move around.

Come on!

One of the swings from his arm scratched my face, as I used even more energy to push him further.. as I could feel my eyelids getting heavier..

The moment I took it out and held in my hand, he was already biting my left shoulder, and despite the dart sending wave upon wave of pain throughout my arm, I took it and I stabbed him right at the left elbow as it didn't affect him, but still damaged him further.

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