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My eyes opened themselves to a blurred vision. A soothing cool across my skin, mind and body in harmony of relief. My vision cleared up just a little and I saw an oval shaped black object that I tried to understand. It looked like the shiny diamond of a black necklace my father once gave to my mother.

After a few seconds, my lungs began to suffocate, leading to the complete regaining of my consciousness. In front of me was the cockpit of a fighter jet, dismembered from the rest of its body.

I frantically looked around me to find broken parts and pieces of the facility I was in, floating around me in this freezing water.

I unwillingly turned into my other self and swam upwards as fast as my tired body would let me which was not the only problem. The larger broken parts of the facility were blocking the way and through small holes, only some sunlight let itself in. My lungs were starting to ache, and my body was beginning to lose its already small amount of energy but a strong will remained for me to hold onto. I swam around clumsily looking for any opening big enough to let me through but to no avail.

Once the pain increased, I felt it again. The rage.

With that, I had the audacity to scream at the broken parts and let out all the precious air keeping me alive. I hit the section of the parts which seemed the weakest using my telekenesis and I finally broke through in the most aggresive way I could have.

After what felt like a full day, I flew out of the water to land on a piece of ice gasping heavily for sweet air. I simply stayed there taking deep breaths for a good few minutes just to make sure I didn't black out anytime soon.

Once I could think properly, I sat up and looked around. I realized I was at the end of the cliff I had wanted to fall from.

Or what was left of it.

When I looked up, a small section of the runway was dangling from the top by a few wires. The entire cliff was split into two halves, and the middle of it was undoubtedly the part where I was stuck, many feet below. Broken remains of the facility and fighter jets were all around me, most of it up in smoke.

I couldn't process the fact that my left arm that had literally been turned into a stick, was now back to normal. One "How?" after another.

Did she miss? And hit something that caused an explosion?

How could she have missed from that angle?

No... There is no doubt I was shot directly in the head.

How did I survive...? I'm cold but how am I not freezing to death?!

This can't be real. This just can't be fucking real!

I screamed out of anger and frustration as I held my head but when I did so, I felt a strange sensation. As if a part of my forehead was pressed inwards by about a centimeter. I was shot.

I was starving. I figured that since there were people at the facility, there obviously must've been some food too. At least a few bites must have been available, right? Thinking so, I began to crawl up the cliff that was basically a skyscraper.

I hesitated constantly. Trying to find safer ways around it but... this was the only way.

It was terrifying, and I didn't know how reliable my claws would be, but my unique feet were being helpful for once. I struggled constantly not to look down as I dug my claws into the ice to the point it felt as if the ice was digging itself into me rather than the other way around.

I reached the top, feeling relief, only to find blinding smoke that suffocated me as I nearly coughed to the point of a vomit. My lungs and nostrils were burning up before that smoke of my own escaped my mouth which made breathing possible. It was like a personal air purifier for me.

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