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"HOLY FUCK", I let every strand of voice responsible for my voice rip itself as I cried aloud random gibberish. It wasn't fun being hundreds of feet in the air. My guts twisted around as if ropes were pulling them away.

Lara had a few pieces of equipment meant to attach anything to her feet, shins, arms or back to carry all sorts of things. There were four seemingly indestructible straps that attached the front of my shins to the backs of hers, as she refused to carry me on her back or simply by her hands. The back was reserved for Green, who bled more every second. And carried their supplies including his laptop in a bag in her arms. She flew slow for him, but fast enough that I felt like I was a propeller myself.

"FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, GODDAMN PIECE OF SHIT, MANIAC, AAAAH-", she jerked her feet near a building to have my body smacked against it to shut me up.

I woke up with my chest slamming against concrete, eyes opening to the very edge of a 200 foot or so building. I groaned in gain and looked behind to see Lara opening the straps and setting Green down against some vents, in the shade, as we were against harsh daytime sunlight.

Her back was turned to me, "Where are we?!", I gestured my arm from right to left as she was turned around with a rush of wind, with an offended look.

"A hospital."


"What do you mean 'why-"

"Why aren't we at a mental asylum for your psychotic ass?! We could have used a car!"

"Then we might as well just fucking mail ourselves to our destination!"

"We're carrying an injured man, goddammit! What woulda happened if he fell?!"

She walked over to me, crouched down, and punched my throat as I coughed.

"I learned to fly before I ever walked."

"You... fuckel.", I uttered.

Green wasn't looking... so I took the opportunity and landed my fist on her face.

Or her hand... It didn't take even half of her reflexes to catch it, as she began to crush it.

"Stop, focus on the mission!", I squealed.

"Focs on te' mijjun", she mocked me, and got up.

"You see that?", She pointed at a massive dragon head structure I was familiar with.

"Maroon? It's down... there?"

"Derek helped me remember correctly. It's down there. And a big one too."

"So what's the layout?"

"The rest of its body."


"The place is underground, shaped like the rest of the body of the...", she held her wounds and winced for a moment, "dragon."

"What...? All this time, it's been like this and..."

"We hit it, by tonight. Are you VIP by any chance?"

"Of course. But not this one, though. I did go here ofte-"

"Useless!", She groaned.

"What do you suppose we do?!"

"We...", She thought for a second, biting her thumb's nail, "the transport. There's definitely some vehicles going in and out. We get inside, and if we find syringes there, we take 'em and run. Any queries?"

"You worked for them. How do you not know the proper way in?"

"You make music. Why don't you know every song ever made?"

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