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Christmas, 2018

8:00 PM

I sat there quietly on the dinner table with Sarah, Heston, Brandon and Heston's dad Mr Shard, smiling it off, holding in the urge to scream out as loud as possible and rip out Brandon's intestines then and there. The annoying pain in my back from the hard pat Mr Shard gave me earlier was strange, to say the least. The tiny bit of pain from those pats would last a minute but this time it lasted a full hour. I was just crouching to pick up a fork I dropped when I felt him suddenly hit my back before happily saying my name and then hugging me, when he had just arrived.

"Son, how long will that turkey take?", said Mr Shard to Heston who had just put in the turkey Mr Shard brings every year.

"Dios mío, it's been two minutes, papa. Be patient.", he replied.

"C'mon, I haven't eaten in a full hour."

"Wow, you're a real comedian.", said Sarah while Brandon laughed.

"I wasn't tryna be funny. I really haven't eaten in an hour."

"Pizza and turkey. Best Christmas ever.", said Brandon.

"LET'S MAKE IT BETTER THEN, MOTHERFUCKER!", I leapt at Brandon in front of everyone as they screamed at me to let him go.

I took out my claws and impaled him then and there as all the lights died.

Enough daydreaming.

I rubbed my eyes a little and focused on the lame mundane conversations they were having.

"I guess we'll have an eating competition and see who goes to the hospital first.", said Mr Shard as he took a sip of his beer.

Mr Shard wasn't Hispanic like Mrs Shard was. He was the same height as Hes, Caucasian, sixty-one years old as of then, long black hair down to the end of his neck, and always smelled like beer. He didn't have much of a fashion sense just like his son. He would wear the first piece of clothing he could find no matter where he was going or what time of the day it was. He looked nothing like Heston other than the size but their adorable relationship would bring warmth to anyone.

And remind of my own dad too.

"Wallace, why're you so quiet, man?", asked Brandon.

I just looked at him and before I could reply, he spoke up, "He's probably just really hungry. He's been staring at that oven the whole time."

I grabbed the table and chucked it away as I walked up to him. I grabbed his head and shoved him in the oven with the turkey as I used my foot to slam its door shut and cranked the heat all the way up.

Goddamnit, FOCUS!

I tried my best at pretending to be happy the whole time and broke down again out on the roof in the name of a bathroom excuse. I was chewing on an empty soda can to try and calm my furious mind but to no avail. I felt footsteps approaching and turned around to see Mr Shard as I put aside the can, now chewed up by my vicious teeth.

"I was actually planning to cancel my visit here this time.", he said.


"I didn't want to bother you again."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Come with me for a moment."

"Can I just stay here?", my tired voice filled the air.


"A 'please'? From you?"


"Alright...", I got up and followed him.

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