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I sat there in the back of the stolen truck, with my knees and my feet tied together, bandana and hoodie covering me as I stared at the vehicles we were speeding away from, for around ten hours.

We were going to hide in Las Vegas for some time. There was a property there, owned by Heston that was good for hiding. The keys to the door were right there as we'd both crash there often whenever we visited the nearby areas or Vegas itself. 

We had left four days after what happened to Brandon. The two waited for their food to run out instead of packing it up, as she tried to argue with me on a daily basis as to what plan to follow.

Lara was driving, with a stupid-looking red wig and an awful lot of makeup. Green had white paint on his face and wore clothes with many dabs of paint on it, to make it look like a painting accident happened. A good and logical disguise.

All I had was a bandana, and the dark green hood of my jacket.

Green had our IDs covered. We had authentic fake IDs with slightly edited photos just enough to look real and just different enough from our actual faces.

We were driving through a mostly empty road when I saw a police car coming towards us. The closer it got, the more the lights glitched and it put even more pressure on me to stay calm.

They rang their sirens once and Lara pulled over.

The lights completely shut off for a second before I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second.

The officer jogged towards us.

"Hey. You", she pointed directly at us, "Get rid of that cloth on your face."

I didn't.

"I said, take off the face-covering.", she put her hand on the gun holster.

I put my hands up but before I could say anything, Green spoke to her, "He can't."

"Why not?"

"He's got a lung disease. He has to keep himself covered like that. You are at risk of infection, please step a little further."

She kept her eyes on me as she slowly walked to Lara's side, "License and registration."

She handed her the fake forms but she barely looked at them as her eyes were still focused on me.

I held my chest as I coughed, but with my voice a little mutated, and it was enough to immediately back her off from the truck as she said, "Okay, okay. I get it. But why are you driving so fast?"

"We're taking him to the doctor's. We're actually a bit late.", Lara spoke up.

"Slow down a little, you're just over the speed limit."


"Okay. Take care of him.", she walked back to her car and drove away.

"You should be thanking him.", Lara spoke aloud.

I didn't respond.

We arrived at the suburbs and she parked in the garage. It was around 6 as the sun was setting. She slammed the door hard as she angrily walked to the back to meet me face-to-face.

"Fuck's sake, what the hell is up with you?!", she punched the metal of the trunk, leaving a deep dent as I didn't even flinch.

"Wallace. It's been five days since you've said anything.", she listed the same questions again, "What the hell happened back there, why can't you walk, why are you not speaking? I'm sick of constantly asking this shit!"

Green stepped out, "Calm down. Just give him some time."

"Will you stop that shit?! He's been nothing but a useless dead weight for five days now! What, are we supposed to just babysit him now?!"

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