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"An artwork that my father once had made, when I was a young boy. Out of nowhere. He was never even interested in making artwork. But this... was made with such passion and precision. A bright, perfect circle, in the very centre, having many minuscule dark squares and rectangles following its circumference in a counterclockwise direction that made them form more perfect circles around. I never understood it. He never explained so I stopped asking. I never tried to make my own meaning of it, as I didn't want to be different from him on this thing that was one of life's strangest mysteries for me. I hoped one day I would see or hear something, and fully understand it, and be just a little closer to my loving father. However, this... This makes him and I almost identical."


It hit the side on which I was sitting, which was the left. I was demolished along with my car between the railings of the highway and the front of the truck. Excruciating pain, hopelessness and sorrow were all I felt before every bone was crushed, including my skull. In those few seconds,

everything changed.

I woke up red with pain. A sting and burn through every single cell of my entire body, feeling like I had just woken up in the middle of a delicate surgery. The most prominent was... my right eye not opening. It took way too long to realise that there was a piece of metal where my eyeball should have been, along with many, strange sharp objects in my throat. I couldn't scream.

The moment I tried to breathe, I felt my nose and throat stinging with a strange heat, a heat that felt sharply cold at the same time, but it wasn't nearly as horrible as what followed in my lungs. My own ribs had punctured them.

Everything burned, and there was no heat.

I realised, I was to either die here, or end up in a wheelchair, mangled up, to live barely a few months, or years if I was lucky.

Then I noticed I couldn't feel my right arm at all. All I could feel was the bicep and tricep muscles feeling like they'd exploded, nothing below that.

My left arm, completely and utterly twisted, stuck somewhere behind my back.

And legs, punctured through every muscle. The left knee had something in the middle of it, I felt that moving it would completely dismember the bottom half of the leg.

There was no sound other than the wind. I was helpless in every sense of the word.

Even if I survived, I could no longer play anything, or... sing anything.

I was to die here, insignificantly, not having truly proved anyone wrong about me. And I knew what they'd say.

"Knowing him, there's no wonder he wasn't strong enough to survive.", probably.

I could feel the bloodcurdling reality of the situation slowly dawn on me, as I felt years worth of tears about to burst out, and knowing what muscles they'd require, and what conditions those same muscles were in. The anxiety poured down like a storm, as my barely beating heart began to pump blood in places where it simply was of no use. The stinging burned every part of me even further at this point, as I had regained my consciousness completely.

I knew my voice was gone anyway, so I put all my strength into letting out a cry for help as the last thing I'd do in this life of mine.

A pathetic whimper, was all I could muster up.

The sheer weakness I felt in me...

I felt that maybe they were all right about me.

And it was then that... something took over me. A twisted, and raging feel... I felt a river coming up my throat, and bursting out, letting out whatever was piercing my throat, as I weakly coughed, and felt something moving in my neck. My throat felt something, and I was finally able to... scream.

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