The Rescue

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"You better stay put.", said Green as he rushed to me in the softest possible voice while I finally noticed how there was desert all around us.

Where am I? Nevada?!

I heard police sirens, gunfire, yelling, etc., and only now I could focus on the desert as I began to drift out of consciousness.

I felt like I was in the middle of a warzone but contributing nothing to either side. And by either side, I didn't even know whom Lara and Green were with. I didn't know if they were rescuing me or more likely, trying to kill me and do something to my body for their personal gain. I couldn't know. So I simply stayed put as I finally dozed off completely.

The atmosphere around me thickened immensely as I struggled to breathe. I realized I was thrown underwater again, with restraints on me.

I screamed, not out of fear, but out of anger.

Two sharp tentacles went through my insides from the front and back of my abdomen as my blood decorated the water. They picked me up, and threw me down as I landed on a rocky surface while groaning in pain. After a few seconds, the blood came rushing back to my skin as it was absorbed.

I was rolled over by a foot as I coughed out water for a bit. I struggled as I utterered, "Where the fuck am I?"

"Trestles beach.", she spoke.

"Near L.A.?!", I immediately thought of my mother.

Why aren't there any people around?

"What does it matter?", said Green in an exasperated tone.

I sucked up the pain as I struggled to get on my knees. My knees were... in an unusual pain.

"Alright.", I panted, "What is this about?", I coughed out some more ocean water.

I could now see her clearly in her form. Large eyes extending horizontally towards her temples, with golden irises. Mid-neck length hair as pale as her skin, and a muscular build. There was no mouth, and no nose, only its shape to some extent, it almost looked as if she was wearing a covering but no, it was her skin in those areas. And somehow she could still talk. She slowly took out a long, thin, glowing yellow sword from behind her and held it in her hand. Like that of a mediaeval English knight.

"Ey, hey, hey, hey, hey!", I yelled as I tried to back off.

"You... took everything from me.", the pain in her voice wasn't making sense to me.

"Says the one who shot m-", she immediately made a cut across my face with a movement as swift as the blink of an eye as I groaned.

I caught my breath, "I'll ask again. What do you want?"

"Your head. On my shelf. Forever my trophy.", her eyes, determined and her voice stern.

"Why?", I showed anger in my tone.

"The OMC is my everything!", she yelled in a pained voice, and stood there silently, just staring at me with those beading eyes for a good minute before continuing, "Because of you, my everything abandoned me. Because of you, I was humiliated. Because of you, I lost... my home. You killed so many of us and all the blame fell on us two. For what?", her voice suddenly showed more anger than I could've imagined as she pulled my hair and shoved a small part of the sword near my collar bone, "Because he tried to give you a chance.", she pointed at the man with her blade.

I groaned in pain, "And what will my death bring you?!"

"My life back. I grew up with them. I was raised in their labs, their rooms, their everything. I won't let you just take that away from me!", she readjusted her grip on her blade while Green walked closer.

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