Tell Me, What Do You See?

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"An artwork that my father once had made, when I was a young boy. Out of nowhere. He was never even interested in making artwork. But this... was made with such passion and precision. A bright, perfect circle, in the very centre, having many minuscule dark squares and rectangles following its circumference in a counterclockwise direction that made them form more perfect circles around. I never understood it. He never explained so I stopped asking. I never tried to make my own meaning of it, as I didn't want to be different from him on this thing that was one of life's strangest mysteries for me. I hoped one day I would see or hear something, and fully understand it, and be just a little closer to my loving father. However, this... This makes him and I almost identical."

Like always, I was dressed in all black along with a bandana as I was almost there at the parking lot. Going there gave me disturbing flashbacks of the chase.

I brought a duffle bag for them.

"Hello-o?", I yelled in a sing-song tone once inside.

"One floor up.", I heard the shorter man yell.

I casually made my way up and raised my hands the moment I saw the taller one standing there pointing a gun with an attached flashlight at me.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. I got the money."

"Wasn't expecting you. Throw it here.", said the taller one.

I slowly got the duffle bag off me and threw it as it made almost equal distance between us.

The taller one chucked the gun to other, and got closer to the bag but paused when I asked them, "You planned to kill her, did you not? Otherwise you would've just gotten the money from her house. Why go through this trouble of going all this way to this abandoned parking lot?"

He slowly squatted down while maintaining eye contact. "Can't leave any loose ends, kid."

The moment I felt the shorter one put his finger on the trigger, I used my telekenesis to throw his gun away while the shorter man rushed to get it while yelling, "Fuck!"

The taller one just sat there with a strange look on his face while I suppressed a satisfactory smile.

I opened my hand towards the gun. And for a moment I grew anxious thinking it wouldn't work but it almost hurt as it flew towards me while the short man suddenly had a surprised and somewhat disappointed look.

"Now, you two.", I said in a confident tone. "You don't gotta deal with people's debt anymore."

The taller one got up and I realized he was about to punch me. I decided to let him and then laugh at the outcome but I was left dumbfounded when I was sent flying around ten feet back while my chest felt the pain of at least two broken ribs.


I heard slightly heavy footsteps coming closer as my vision cleared up. The taller one was now ten feet tall, his skin was a very light blue and his hair was retracted. His baggy clothing was now much tighter as well

I did my best to hide my surprise and fear.

I quickly triggered my other self and felt not a shred of confidence build up as we both stared at each other. The shorter one began shooting me which I wasn't expecting and while my hands were up to defend myself, the taller one quickly came at me with his fist and once he hit, my lower jaw was bent all the way to the right at an excruciating angle as I fell down to the floor.

I painfully tried to get it back to its initial position while I could feel my teeth falling out. When I looked down at the floor, I noticed that my blood was as black as my skin. And much thicker as well. Either that, or the moon's lights coming in weren't enough.

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