
14 2 9

4:30 AM


Wallace POV

I woke up feeling physically terrific. It was still dark outside and Sarah was still sound asleep so I grew confused. I had barely slept an hour and felt refreshed and energized. That little dream I had before I blacked out was all I could think of. I had no idea what to make of it. Why would one dream of being in their father's body, holding onto half a body of their father's best friend?

No, that cannot be possible. Just, no. Fuck...

I wanted to stop thinking so I got up from the bed and walked to the kitchen for breakfast out of habit but then realized I wasn't hungry for anything, really.  Since I felt like the only soul awake, I decided to go down to the basement where the studio was, and inspect myself in the large mirror that acted as a wall of the room. It was Heston's idea because "It made the room feel bigger."

I took out a glowstick that we had kept for emergencies and cracked it. The moment it glowed,

a hefty pain ran throughout my brain that I dropped to the floor and couldn't even scream.

During that, I saw a hallway. The walls were light-colored, the floor was bland and it all seemed metallic, judging by the way it reflected the light of the glowstick in my hand. A hand that didn't feel or look like mine. At the end of the hallway, there was a doorframe in which a massive man was standing. He must have been at least seven and a half feet tall as his entire back was bent because the ceiling was too low for him. He had glowing thin beads as eyes, silver skin and... no feet.

His head had... some kind of very thick horns, going backwards.

It wasn't long before I noticed the claws and teeth.

The terror I felt then stuck with me even after I was back to normal. The green color of the glowstick on the ground that I had just cracked made me feel so uneasy. So, very uneasy. Why the hell was I seeing all this? Why the hell was I feeling strong Déjà Vu at such random times? Were these times random at all? Again, I wanted to just... stop thinking.

I slowly mellowed out after taking a few deep breaths. 

I realized I needed to just toughen the fuck up and stop thinking so much because thinking wouldn't bring me any answers. I slapped myself harshly and stood in front of the mirror and brought out my other self. I didn't have much control over my levitation so I couldn't sit down which meant had to keep my back in a crooked posture. My eyes ran around my reflection and inspected everything for a good five minutes. I then slowly let myself shrink. I noticed that there wasn't a large difference in the shape and structure of my face, other than the teeth, head and feet. If someone looked for too long, maybe they could even tell it was me, if they knew me well.

My head's shape was somewhat flattened at the top, like two cubes on each side, shaped backwards. It looked as if... there were things there that had been chopped off.

I then decided to do something that actually made me feel good. 

I wanted to test my strength. 

And of course, it had to be far from my house. I left a note next to Sarah saying I went out to buy a shampoo which we had conveniently ran out of. Heston wasn't in his room so I figured that he was in his other house.

I went out on foot because I didn't have the heart to get on my bike without thinking of that mortifying evening I was almost gunned down. I was wearing that black flight suit along with the mask as I walked until I found a warehouse I knew was abandoned. I got inside and let my other self out again. The flight suit and the mask just stretched themselves out as I expected. I rolled up the sleeves and picked up a dusty piece of a metal sheet on the floor. It was about half my size and I dug it into the wooden floor with ease. 

I got my right fist ready and hit it as hard as I could. The part I had dug in stayed put while the rest was bent down to the floor. I didn't even have to touch it. It felt good. 

I looked at the corners of it and suddenly felt an urge to demolish the whole place. I stood in the middle with my arms reached out, diagonally, and emphasized my mind on grabbing the corners. It was all mostly metal so I wondered if I could bend it. I began to pull. Sonorous sounds of a place falling part came as the dust was falling everywhere, glass shattering and I,

feeling powerful. 

I pulled in my arms all the way while screaming in what I could call satisfaction and brought down the whole place. I instantly regretted it because I realized the roof was about to fall onto me. But then, the large piece that was about to hit me, mysteriously went towards my left before it landed on the ground behind my back. It was as if a diminutive tornado had intervened just for two seconds to save my head. I felt so utterly marvellous at that moment. I felt like I could do anything!

The cold, harsh reality hit me the moment I was reminded of how ruthlessly Green, Wine Red, and Lara had ruined me, and only luck got me out.

But then I made up my mind... to get revenge for whenever they made a return. I was then reminded of when my left arm was enough to blow open a head in a sonorous explosion. I decided to test that out some other time.

I felt movements in the area so I rapidly got under the rubble in my human self. I soon began to hear a swarm of people chattering indistinctively as I peacefully lay there, out of their eyes.

I sort of sneakily made my way out of the rubble and escaped the situation from behind and didn't run into anyone. I ran home at full speed once I was far from the crowd and once I reached home, I hastily put on the jacket and pair of jeans I had left at the porch for me to wear on top of the flight suit. I used the mask to clean the dust on me thoroughly and shoved it into a pocket.

I slowly opened the door and saw Sarah sitting on the sofa, motionless.

"Sarah? What's wrong?", I sat down next to her and put my arm around her.

"Where's the damn shampoo?"

I took it out from my pocket, "Here!"

"Good. Anyway, Lauren called. The one from the forensics."

I sat quietly for a few seconds before replying, "And?"

"The fingerprints found at the scenes.", she looked at me, "They are 'not human'."

"What?!", I asked in disbelief.

"She said that one fingerprint is the size of a whole finger of his and the pattern is not- not normal."

"How is that even possible?"

"I'm scared."

"Sarah.", I hugged her tightly.

"You guys are not alone, okay?", I kissed the top of her head. "You will all do this together and catch this goddamn freak. And don't forget that I'm right here, alright?", I rubbed her arm.

She hugged back tighter.

"And also, an abandoned warehouse fell apart nearby. People are saying they heard a strange screaming from it before it collapsed."

Why did I say that?!

She looked at me in shock.

"Do you... think it's him?", she asked in a shaky voice.

"I- I don't know."



"What is this thing?"

I wasn't lying when I replied, "I...- I don't know. I don't know.", while I shook my head.

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