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Once I let go, the pieces came crumbling down, a lot of them hit my shoulders, my legs, my arms, but none hit my head. Once the dust cleared, there was a large opening to escape from. I ran like hell, holding my arm.

10:30 PM

"Alright, what seems to be the problem?", asked Dr Kurtz.

"It's simple but thought to get checked anyway."

"I heard about the accident. However, I heard nothing about you getting hurt. Seems to be true, but may I ask... how?"

"How what?"

"How did you... come out unscathed?"

"I got really lucky."

"Okay, well. I'm glad. So what brings you here today?"

"I have a cold, headache, all that. But intense." He closely inspected my mouth, nose and eyes.

"A cold, you say? I see no excess mucus, or anything. In fact, you look to be in the best condition I've actually ever seen you in. Your mouth", he looked closely, "looks extraordinarily clean but... smells a little metallic. Have you experienced any bleeding inside?"

"No, not as of late."

"Hmm... Alright.", he sat down.

"The cold's been a little okay the past few days but-"

"Headache, is worse."


"Been eating well?"

"I've been eating quite well."

"Any weaknesses? Low energy, anything like that?"

"Quite the opposite actually."

"Okay then. Let's get a blood test, I'll get the results by tomorrow."

The lights immediately flickered for a few seconds as he looked around at them.

"I don't think that'll be necessary."

"Why not? It could be anything. I also know the concert blood vomits were still recent-"

"Just prescribe me some good painkillers for headaches and that'll be all.", I said, not breaking eye contact.

"Why are you even here then?", he began writing.

"Thank you.", I took it, got up and left an uneasy atmosphere for him to deal with.

4:00 PM


Sarah stared at the TV screen as if she desperately wanted to murder it. She even forced us to turn off all the lights because she couldn't stand the brightness. I couldn't blame her. Every news channel showed the same people from the crowd all describing the same view. The best part about all this was that there was absolutely no good footage of me at all.

Heston sat next to her in a way that made it look like he was yearning for redemption. "Ey, uh, Sarah? Buddy? The tea's... getting a bit cold.", he almost whispered as I hid my smile behind a confused look.

"Fuck this!", she threw the remote at the screen with full force while the two of us stayed silent.

I had had my arms crossed for quite a while so when I tried to open them, I felt a sharp pain in my left arm from the test and the TV went out because of me.

"Bitch, you fucked up the screen.", said Heston.

"Shut the fuck up!", she yelled and ran upstairs to our room.

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