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I couldn't even begin to wrap my head around the fact my body had healed broken teeth, arms and legs all by itself.

I was getting claustrophobic in there, even in my smaller human form. And by the vibrations, I could tell when we were stopped or not but I didn't hear them talk about where they were taking me.

I was just about to have a panic attack when I felt the car stopping along with two doors opening and closing.

More doors opened from where my feet were. The moment the door of my container was opened, I realized I was in a hearse. I tried to jump up but my body was too weak and tired. My vision cleared up further and I could see the woman, Lara, but this time she had blonde hair, same length and a more human-like skin. She was now shorter, around 6'2", and the middle aged man, Derek, was about 5'10", on the other side. They were both wearing tight masks.

She dragged me out by my torn clothes as I landed on another concrete pavement behind some small building. Maybe a gas station.

I couldn't even process together my first question and I had already been struck five times by her relentless fists. Then the wall near me met its demise once I was thrashed upon it, again, and again.

"What...?", I managed to whisper. "What is... this?"

More and more my mouth filled up with bloodied teeth falling out, as her breathing sped up, seething with rage with every breath.

She dragged me up by my collar to meet her gaze. Beading eyes with yellow irises, having taken a vow to never forgive me, for whatever reason.

I was still going in and out of consciousness but I managed to I claw at her throat as she began to bleed out, holding it tight.

"LARA!", the man yelled, and immediately injected her with a strange syringe, as she took in a deep breath and began coughing. Suddenly her neck was okay.

The fuck?

She rushed at me, as her foot began to crush my bones. As many as she could.

"Lara, that's enough!", he dragged her away, as I saw a glimpse of a tear in her eye.

"We've delayed enough. Get him back in."

"You do it!", she yelled, pushing him away and getting in the driver's seat.

"Fine.", he sighed, picked me up and threw me in the container again, like I was a piece of plastic for the garbage man.

I nearly yelled in a very hoarse voice, "I'll rip your throats out!" before I fell back and lost my grip on my mind.

I remember a moment where my eyes opened slightly and I found myself on a cold and uncomfortable metal bed. Leaning against it was Lara, drinking something from a cup. In front of her was a young man with glasses in front of a large screen while typing something. They were right there but when they talked but it felt as if they were easily ten feet away. Everything looked so... bloomy and soft. I couldn't focus on any details.

The young man spoke, "Sterling, Wallace. Is Wallace with an S or a-"

"C.", replied Lara in a cold tone of voice as the man began to type.


"Five foot eight."

"No, I mean-"

"Nine foot two."

"Nine foot two? Pretty short.", he typed further.

She chuckled.

"Like your temp-", said the man before he was kicked by her as they both laughed.

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