Tired Eyes

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"Come on, just sit with me for a bit.", I told her as she sat down. It took no amount of convincing.

We sat on our couch holding each other, lights off, with only morning light pouring in from the windows.

"So, what was it that you and Farrell talked about?"

"It was about dad."

"What was it? Tell me.", she tilted her head and held my face.

"It's... a little personal."

"What is it that you can share with him but not me? It's not making any sense to me.", she slowly pulled away her hand.

I sighed, "Why can't I ever keep something to myself?", I backed away, "Why do I always have to tell you absolutely everything?"

"What's the point of a partner if you can't share things with them?!"

"We do share! Just... sometimes we should we allowed privacy. Do I ever pressure you to share anything you don't to?"

"Pressure?! I-... There's nothing I don't want to share with you. I tell you absolutely everything, because that's what we're supposed to do!"

"Supposed to? No, we're not 'supposed to', okay?!", she covered my mouth.

She suddenly shot up her posture, with a heightened sense of alertness. She held my hand and slowly reached below the couch to get a hold of one her handguns.

Eddie, simply walking to us, stared her dead in the eyes. Her breathing sped up like never before, gripping my hand as if she was hanging off the edge of a cliff.

She brought up her gun and tried to shoot him three times. I had already taken out the ammo.

To me, it was just Eddie. To her, it was my other self, growling at her. It was more than enough to clear my name of any suspicion before it even erupted.

She suddenly fell to my shoulder, unconscious.

"Sarah!", I yelled, "What the fuck did you do?!", I brought out my claws.

"Hey! I didn't do nothing!"

I looked at her, with a dart in her back. Before I could even take it out, I heard Eddie screaming in pain  I turned around to see his eyes covered with some sticky substance, rendering his powers useless. He ran out the door, breaking through, and got in his car before I could say anything.

I saw Brandon on my stairs, and the moment I tried to hold him down, I had been struck with the same thing near my chest. I immediately felt a thousand arms pulling me down to the floor, and I tried to fight it off as much as I could, only to end up on my knees.

He coughed as I'd struck his throat with my power. He walked towards me, and began to talk.

"Smart play, not gonna lie to you.", he coughed some more as he cleared his throat, "But I'm gonna have to cut your stay short after what you just pulled here. Time's up, my boy. I have a special gun just for you." he then pulled out a red pistol with a silencer, and shot my neck as the pain radiated all the way across my body for some unknown reason.

I awoke in a metal room, filled with every kind of possible monstrosity of a tool I could've imagined. Tube-shaped cages with small and large creatures in them, observing me, saws and blades for every type of flesh and bone, it was a massacre waiting to just happen.

My head, neck, and every other joint was locked in place. Even every finger had a specific restraint. Every time I tried to move a muscle, I could hear chains rattling. Like I was nothing but a wild dog.

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