Fifty Thousand

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The next morning.

I sat there staring intently at the television screen as the breakfast of toast and eggs in front of me had gone cold.

"32-year-old Jon Hernandez and 43-year old Todd Millberg, both prisoners in for assault and small town robberies along with murder attempts respectively, were brutally murdered by a strange, mutated man dressed in all black, who had broken into the Buffalo Correctional Facility in the evening yesterday, using some kind of weaponized gloves,"


"and unbelievably tall appearance, likely caused by either Gigantism or Acromegaly, the police states. While the actual causes of their deaths remain unknown, the police claim that they were both killed apparently by large blades,"

Not too far off.

"and that the killer was probably someone they both knew, as the two had had many different enemies, from either petty fights, or debts. While we still find this hard to believe, the dash cam footage of a police car a few feet away from back exit of the building does not lie. Here, you can see the giant man jumping over the SWAT team trucks before the camera mysteriously stopped working. One strange thing is that the police cars closest to the stolen one during the chase, did not seem to have their sirens on or even dashcams on. The police says that they couldn't contact other forces nor could they have the sirens turned on. This happened with three vehicles, but not the four that were behind these first three. There is also no CCTV footage from inside the facility, as police suspects this wasn't just a poorly thought-out plan by a reckless criminal. The stolen car was found in a parking lot after they lost track of him and the man seemed to have fled the scene via unknown means. If you see an abnormally tall man, approximately eight feet tall..."

Nine, I guess.

"...please contact 911 immediate-", Sarah turned off the TV.

"I was watching that!", I said angrily as Sarah became a little startled.


"Sorry. Just...- Was kinda interesting."

"Well, alright then.", she turned it back on.

"-iracilously, no guard was harmed other than getting knocked out. One of those men stated, 'I never thought I'd get to see my kids again. That thing was not a man. There is no way it was human. I'm just grate-", I turned off the TV.
Man". I'm a fucking monster, just say it.

"Not interesting anymore?", Sarah smiled at me.


"We'll get him soon. That glider woman too, if possible.", Sarah sipped her coffee.

I could tell how hard she pretending to act cool when she just wanted to scream "bullshit" at all of it.

"Imagine if I see him at a concert of ours.", I chuckled.

"He'd have to be a real smartass for that.", she laughed.

"But it would make life easier for you."

"It would though.", her tone was childish.

Sometimes her rough job makes me forget how cute she is.

"Only if it were that easy.", I touched my cup of coffee but then pulled away almost immediately.

"Hey, you haven't even touched your breakfast!"

"Oh. Sorry."

"If you weren't hungry, you coulda just told me."

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