The Urge

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Same day

Around 3:00 PM

I cried and cried, hoping to just wake up from his horrendous nightmare. All of it was too bizarre to be true and... too painful to be just a dream. After shifting my position from one corner to another for many hours, I got up from the floor and looked myself in the mirror of my bathroom.

"Dude... I can't hear this anymore from outside, let me in. Lemme at least try to cheer you up, man!", spoke Heston from the door, he'd been hearing me for a while but I needed time alone.

"I'll... get to you soon."

I stared for a while after wiping my tears and focused on becoming the same monster again. I had to get another look. I lit one of my lighters in my hand as I did so.

Found it a bit difficult to draw it out this time but...

The moment my face turned black and the glowing eyes along with the black teeth showed themselves, I immediately turned back to normal as I broke down in tears once again. After some time, I just slapped myself hard. I was sick of the crying.

Stop... Stop crying, idiot.
It won't do anything.
This power...
Think about it.
Think about the things you could do.
You keep wondering what you are or what is happening but the answers won't come crawling because of that.
You have to do something.
You... can do anything you want.
Anything you want...?

That car window. I didn't even touch it. How did it break...?

I thought it was foolish but I tried it anyway. I took out a dusty old vase with photos of Heston and I along with fans on it from underneath the nightstand that I received as a gift from a fan. I put it on the nightstand and focused on it as I began to shake once again.

I made the gesture of punching it with my left while about five feet away and it was pushed towards the wall by an invisible force, and broke upon impact. I fell down to my knees, laughed and then cried.

Someone please wake me up...

I walked out of my room after a while to get some water before I saw Heston at the counter eating a sandwich. "Dude!", he shouted with his mouth full. He put down his sandwich and ran towards me.

We hugged for a few seconds. 

"So... like, you wanna talk about it or..?"


"It's all good, man.", he hugged me again. "I couldn't even fuckin' stand after I saw your car."

"Yeah, well, it was expensive."

He chuckled. "I'm so happy you're okay."

I nodded.

"And... I'm really, really... sorry. Truly. I didn't mean to hit you, I just-"

"I know.", I said in my shaky voice before wiping my face.

"So I'm supposed to take you to the hospital today. Sarah told me to."

"Dude, I'm fine- Ugh, goddamnit I'm sick of saying it over and over again."

"You don't look like fine though."

"I feel physically great! Don't worry about me!"

"And dude, about that punch, I'm really so-"

"Apology accepted."

"Okay so... you want something to eat?", he almost hesitantly walked to the fridge.

"To eat?", I then realized that I hadn't eaten in almost two days. The hunger in me was given no attention. "Yeah, I'll have something.", I jogged to where he was. The light inside the fridge wasn't working.

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