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Direct continuation

"Alright, you. Tell me a way I can delete all proof your little organization has of me."

He scoffed, "They'll just make more proof. Cameras will be on you all the time."

"I know....", I ran my stiff hands through my hair in frustration, "Just... tell me anything that can help me. Or anyone."

"Did you think anything through at all?"

"No... I- I shouldn't have to. I didn't ask for this shit! I just... wanna live my life.", I paced around the room.

"Yeah, like that whining is gonna get you anywhere."

"I know you know how to help me. Whatever way it is, just tell me."

"Kill yourself. End it. Easy."

I gestured a chair to be thrown at him, as he screamed in pain.

I yelled, "How can I be killed?"

He coughed, "I don't know! I'm not the fucking database, godammit!"

I just stared at him for a minute.

"What?", I asked rhetorically.

"But I know for sure is that your body in general is astonishingly weak."

"Weak? Weak how?"

"Let me grab my knife, and I'll throw it at your left arm."

"Like hell I'm gonna let you do that."

"You already have me held down. It's in my shoe."

I thought for a second.

"Fine.", I brought up my left arm and carefully handed him the knife via my power.

The knife abruptly flew from his hand to my right forearm.

"You said left arm!"

I then saw that the knife had penetrated right through.

"What the... fuck?!", I immediately took it out and began to bleed all over the table and floor.

"See that? When not alert, you're about as strong as a banana. But even when you are alert, you're only as strong as a normal human. Maybe weaker. But this little increase in strength is not for the entirety of your body. If you see something coming at you from your left, most of your left side will still be vulnerable. Only in some areas, your blood will solidify briefly to provide that increase in strength. That's about as much as I know."

Neither of us spoke for a long while during which my blood began to climb back into my deep wound.

I punched the floor out of frustration, breaking something of both surfaces.

I just held my head as he continued, "Let me go and I'll leave you alone. I swear."

I scoffed. "You're gonna tell me what I wanna hear. I'll beat it out of you if I have to.", I stood up, "I'll cut your damn legs if I have to."

"Yeah... Thought so..", he sighed and relaxed his head back.

This angered me.

I kicked his stomach, "Are we at a fucking spa?!"

"God!", he yelped.

"Alright, first tell me how many people have been assigned to kill me currently.", I squatted down to meet his gaze.

"Many, probably. I don't know. I'm not really with the OMC, I'm only his accomplice. He trusted me enough to tell me this much. Or just didn't care. Or both."

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