Chapter 3

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Lottie's POV

I was holding onto Louis' fur on the back of his neck to make sure I didn't fall off. However, I could feel his rough, rapid breathing as he was running away from the rogue. Before I knew it, he was slowing down and then he just collapsed. I flew forward and landed hard on the ground. After catching my breath, I looked over at Lou and gasped at what I saw. His whole stomach was covered in blood. 

I quickly got up and ran over to him. He was not awake and the blood was continuing. He should be healing faster than he was. I took the backpack off of my back and grabbed the first shirt I could find. I started cleaning the wound, that's when I saw the four huge gashes from that alpha. 

"Lou! Lou wake up!" I yelled as I was gently shaking him. 

He didn't move so I did the only thing that I could think of. I grabbed a pair of my pants and tied them around him trying to keep the shirt in place covering his wounds. I quickly took off my clothes and put them into the backpack. I tried to change as quickly as possible but I don't usually change often so it was more painful and took longer than it usually did Louis. 

When I was finally changed, I went over to him and tried to gently get him on my back. This proved to be a rather difficult thing because while he is a small person, I was even smaller. Finally, I was able to get him on my back while grabbing the backpack in my mouth. However, I was not able to get the backpack and duffle bag. I had to choose one or the other. I decided on the duffle bag because it held the majority of our belongings, however, in doing so, it meant I had to leave the picture of mum behind because it was in the backpack and I did not have time to change back and get it. Louis was seriously injured and I needed to find him some help immediately. 

I took off running in the same direction we were originally headed, hoping that I was running in the direction of help and safety. 

I was running for about half an hour and I could feel myself growing more and more exhausted with every stride I was taking but I knew that I had to find help for Louis soon. After another 10 minutes of running, I had to stop. I could not go any further, I needed a break and this allowed me to check on Louis' wounds. I quickly went behind a tree and changed, slipping on a shirt to cover myself in case someone was around. 

I went back to him and removed the blood-soaked clothes. I could tell that the wounds were healing but Lou still wasn't waking up. I was alone and scared and all I wanted was Louis, he always knew what to do. 

"Come on, Lou. Please, you have to wake up! I need you, Lou! I can't do this alone!" I cried but still got no response. 

I curled up next to him and just cried, trying to get some comfort. I was so scared and distracted that I didn't notice a new scent that was present until the big wolf came out of trees with a growl. I immediately snapped my head up when I heard that. I could tell that by the size and the authoritative growl that it was an alpha. I immediately lowered my head and pressed myself further into Louis. Hoping that he would be wake up and protect me. However, that was clearly not going to happen. 

"Please, don't hurt us. I was just trying to get help for my brother, he is seriously injured," I pleaded with the alpha. 

Just then, another wolf came. I was really scared at this point. I looked at both of them, they seemed to be communicating with one another before one of them retreated. Not long after, a man came from the same way the wolf just went. I am assuming it was the same person. He was a scary-looking guy, he had tattoos littering his tan skin and long black hair. He came closer to me, causing me to tense and press myself closer into my brother. 

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