Chapter 8

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Hello Lovelies! 

Thank you for the votes and comments! I am sorry I haven't updated in a minute, I went on vacation and then I moved across the country. But I am back and hope to be updating more frequently again! 

I feel like this story is going a little slower than what I wanted so I am going to do a little time jump. 

Please continue to let me know what you think of the story. 



Louis' POV 

(One Month Later)

It has been a month since Lottie and I have been staying with the Styles Pack. It's also been a month since I found my not only one but three mates. To say it has been interesting would be an understatement. Not only have I had to adjust to the idea that I have mates but also just being in a space that is new and permanent, at least for the past month. Lottie has been having the time of her life here getting to know everyone else but she always has been a social butterfly. However, I have struggled a bit, while I have relaxed a bit over the past month, I am still cautious because at any point this can all go down hill and we will have to run again. But I am trying to let that part of me go and relax as well but it is just taking a some time. However, during this time I have also been thinking about if we should stay or not. I am grateful that everyone has been giving me the space and time to think about it without pushing me. 

I was walking downstairs to find Lottie to tell her my decision, when I heard a loud crash and glass shattering. I hurried down to find a scared Lottie standing over it with Niall, both breathing heavy, making it known that they were running inside. Before I could say anything to her, someone else spoke up. 

"What is going on in here? Why is my vase shattered on the floor?" Anne asked, anger clear on her face. However, no one answered her. "I demand an answer now." 

The anger triggered a response in me and I stepped up, positioning myself in front of Lottie as I have done many times before, especially, when the mum of the family we stayed with before got angry. "It was my fault, I was running down the stairs and ran into the vase. I am so sorry, it won't happen again. I will clean this up and then we will leave. I am sorry again. Lottie, please gather your things. Thank you, for everything this past month, we appreciate everything, I am sorry I repaid you by breaking your vase." 

"What? No, Anne, it was not Louis' fault. Lottie and I were running around playing and I ran into it. Louis wasn't even here. It was an accident, I promise! Louis and Lottie shouldn't have to leave because me." Niall confessed. 

"No one is-" Anne started to speak but was interrupted. 

"What is going on in here and why is mums vase broken?" Harry asked as he and his brothers entered the room, taking in the scene in front of them. 

"That is what I was trying to figure out. But as I was saying, no one is leaving," but she was cut off again. 

"What? Who's leaving?" Marcel asked, concern clear on his face. 

"Would you lot stop interrupting me?" Anne scolded her sons, which would have been amusing if circumstances were different, seeing the three strongest and toughest alphas being scolded by their mother. "Now, as I was saying, no one is leaving. It is just a vase, am I annoyed it was broken due to you two running and messing around after I have told you both many times to do that outside, yes." She said to everyone. Then she turned and looked directly at me before speaking again, "However, Louis, let me make this very clear to you. You and your sister are part of this family and pack now, nothing and I mean nothing will ever change that. Whether or not you are my sons' mate or not, you have a place here for as long as you would like. Okay?" At this point, she has stepped closer to me and gently placed her hands on my face. 

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