Chapter 11

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Louis' POV

I walked downstairs with the triplets. I was very content being surrounded by them again. The more time I spend with them the more I feel good, happy even. Which is scary and exciting all at once. However, I was still getting used to all of this and wasn't really ready to talk about it with others. I know that they are my mates, but saying it out loud or even thinking about it is overwhelming, I'm just not sure if it is good or bad. All I know is I am ready to get to know them better. 

Of course, even though I am not ready to talk about it with others, other than Anne and the triplets (and even then I get nervous), Niall is here and I don't think he has ever had a filter. 

"Well isn't this a nice surprise! Does this mean you all are together? Oh, Lou, I told you you had nothing to worry about last night! Oh, this is so great! I cannot wait to tell everyone about this!" Niall spoke so fast that I could barely keep up, that on top of what he was saying stressed me out massively. I just stood there trying to speak or react in some way but all I could do was stare at him. 

Thankfully, the triplets could tell I was uncomfortable. I soon felt two hands belonging to Edward and Marcel on my back, while Harry moved closer to me, a little in front of me. It really helped calm me down a bit. "Enough, Niall. You will utter a word to no one. Louis just came to tell us that the food was ready, that is it. Either way, it does not concern you and I suggest you never share anyone's personal business other than your own, especially your pack alphas. Do I make myself clear?" Harry said growled.

Niall lowered his head and whimpered due to his scolding. Zayn and Liam put comforting hand on their mate, but they knew better than to go against one of their alphas. I felt bad for Niall, I didn't mean for Harry to react that way, however, I am also grateful that he said this. I want, no need to go at my own pace or else it might not work out. Running around telling everyone in the pack that we are mates and together is not my pace right now. 

"Y-y-yes, Alpha. I am sorry, Alphas and Louis, I did not mean any disrespect." 

I knew Harry reacted this way due to how I reacted and I knew I was the only one to make it better. I slowly reached out towards Harry and gently put my hand on his shoulder. I could feel him relax instantly, "Harry, it's okay. I am okay," I whispered so only him and his brothers could hear.

He slowly turned around and looked me in the eyes, searching for any uncertainty in them. I gave him a small smile to reassure him. He sighed but smiled back at me and nodded. 

"Okay, let's get something to eat," Harry said, turning around and continuing to the table where the food and everyone was.  

We all sat down and started to eat. Thankfully, the table returned to normal-ish again. Niall, however, was a little quieter than normal but I guess that's to be expected after a scolding from a pack alpha. 

"Thank you, Mum. This is delicious!" Marcel praised, with the other two nodding along in agreement. 

"You're welcome, sweetie. Thank you!" she said, smiling. 

After breakfast, I helped Anne with the dishes. I really wanted to talk with her about everything  but mainly about her sons. This gave me the perfect opportunity because no one ever really wants to clean up right? 

"Thank you, Louis, you didn't have to help." 

"No it's okay. You cooked for everyone, the least I can do is the dishes," I said, going back to the dishes. "Umm, I also wanted to talk with you as well if you have some time."

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