Chapter 7

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Louis' POV 

Mates? I couldn't move, stunned after hearing their conversation. How are we mates? They have to be mistaken. 

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard foot steps coming towards me, "I'm going to go get Louis for dinner," Edward said. 

I started to make my way as quickly and quietly back upstairs. However, I was not fast enough, "Louis?" 

"Oh uh, hi," I say, trying not to make it known that I heard everything. 

"You heard us didn't you?" he asked, cautiously. I just stood there staring at him, not knowing what to say. I still don't believe this let alone processed it. 

"Marce, Haz, can I speak with you two please?" he called, not taking his eyes off of me. 

"What's up, Ed? Oh, hey Louis!" Marcel greeted. It didn't take long for the other two to pick up on the awkward tension that was present. 

"What's going on? Louis, are you okay? Has something happened?" Harry asked, concern washing over him. 

"He knows," Edward said. Marcel and Harry confused at first before they understood. 

"You told him? Edward, what did we talk about?" Harry chastised, anger clearly present on both his and Marcel's faces. 

"NO, no no, he didn't say anything, I swear. I came downstairs and I heard you all talking. It is all on me, Edward didn't do anything wrong. He was just coming to get me. I am sorry, Alphas, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I just came down at the wrong time and I couldn't move. I didn't mean to be disrespectful towards you, yet again. I understand that you will not want me here anymore... we will leave," I say with my head down, not even able to look at them. I turned around to head back upstairs to get our things.

I stopped before I went up them though, "I know I am not in any place to ask for any favors after you have already given so much to us and I continue to find someway to still mess it up and be disrespectful, but can you give us until Lottie has eaten dinner please? She is innocent in all of this, I am forcing her to leave this place I can already tell she has grown to love, the least I can do is try to get her a nice home cooked meal first," I pleaded, still unable to look at them because of the shame I feel and the tears that are welling up in my eyes. 

"No, Louis, it's okay. You did nothing wrong. You did not and have never disrespected us. We are not kicking anyone out. We were going to tell you, I promise but we wanted to wait a little bit so that you could get used to being here and with us. We did not want to bombard you with yet another thing. Yes, you are our mate and we are so so happy and honored that you are!" Marcel said as with a kind smile on his face. 

"Why?" I asked when I finally had the courage to speak. 

I looked up finally at them to see all of their faces soften, "Louis, darling, you are so incredible! I know we do not know each other very well and I hope that you allow us the opportunity to. I have never seen someone more loving and caring of someone else. The way you are so protective of Lottie is unreal! I mean, love, you were trying to take on not only one but two alphas as well as me, a pack alpha, all while you were seriously wounded from a fight with a rogue alpha. I know that if you give us the honor of getting to know you better as a person as well as our mate we will continue to be absolutely astonished by how incredible you are!" Harry confessed, pouring all his emotions into his words as he spoke. 

It was not until the third alpha... my third mate, came up to me and wiped away all the tears that I realized I was crying. "Oh, my little omega, why are you crying? Did we say something that upset you?" 

I shake my head no, not being able to trust my own voice nor having the correct words to properly express what I am feeling. I have not had anyone show me, nor Lottie, kindness in so long. It had been since mum died. 

"Louis, will you stay? Will you stay with us and allow us to continue to get to know you and Lottie, please? We promise to do everything in our power to take care of you both. Not just because you are our mate but also because I have grown rather found of that bubbly firecracker of a sister you have!" Harry asked, making us all laugh at the end. 

Part of me still wanted to say no and to leave because I didn't believe I could trust anyone, however, a bigger part of me knew that we were safe with the triplets so I nodded my head and whispered, "Yes." 

It did not take long before I was engulfed in three pairs of strong arms pulling me into them. And if I took this time to sniff them, breathing in all of their scents, no one needed to know. 

"Come on little love, let's go eat dinner! You can meet our mum!" Marcel said, excitedly bouncing on his feet causing me to smile fondly at him. 

I followed them into the kitchen where the rest of them were still at waiting on us to eat. 

Edward pulled out a seat for me resulting in me blushing as I sat down in it. This caused a rather amusing outcome when the three of them fought for the two seats next to me. Marcel and Harry had wide, proud smiles on their faces because they won while Edward pouted on the way to the seat next to Marcel and Niall. 

"Hello, Louis! Oh, it is so nice to finally be able to meet you! I was out at the store earlier when you woke up and then I haven't really had a chance to properly meet you. I am Anne, the three buffoons' mother!"

"Hey!" echoed from the three of them as they all playfully pouted. 

"Oh hush now!" Anne said waving a dismissive hand towards them, causing me and the rest of the table to laugh. 

"Hello, Anne, it is lovely to meet you," I greeted with a smile. 

She smiled at me again before saying, "Alright everyone, eat up before the food gets cold!" 

She reminding me of my own mum, nice and kind, yet also knew how to handle herself, which is to be expected when she had to raise not only one but three alphas. 

As we were eating, everyone was talking and laughing and for the first time in years I felt at peace. It was nice to see Lottie laugh and joke with everyone, being a normal kid for once.  There's still a part of me that is skeptical about staying here, but right now, that is not the biggest part of me.

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