Chapter 4

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Author's Note: For those of you who have not seen it yet, I have decided to change this fic into a Styles Triplets abo. That being said, the first 3 chapters will remain the same. 

I hope you enjoy this chapter! 


Louis' POV

When I woke up I heard beeping from somewhere. I knew I needed to open my eyes but I'm just so tired. I try to go back to sleep; away from the beeping, the exhaustion, and the pain. I started drifting off again when it suddenly hit me. 

My eyes snapped open and I looked around the room I was in. I realized I was in the infirmary, with no recollection of how I got here or why. However, that did not matter now all that mattered is finding Lottie. 

I quickly pull the IV out of my arm and swing my legs over the side and stand up. I had to steady myself at first but quickly pushed forward. I was not sure what awaited me beyond the door but I opened it with caution and continues down the hallway listening for anyone and searching each room for my sister. I soon came to the end of the hallway and found the stairs. I made my way down them trying to keep quiet and not to alert others to my presence. I just want to find Lottie and be on our way without any trouble. As I reached the bottom, I could hear people outside so I made my way to the door, looking out the window first to see if there is any immediate danger. 

At first, I did not see anyone that posed a threat, however, it was when I heard the scream of a young girl did I see it. Lottie was running through the field screaming as a wolf was chasing her and no one was doing anything to help her. I immediately ripped the door open and sprung into action, running as fast as I could towards them. When I was close enough I lunged for the wolf, shifting mid-air and colliding with it, knocking it back, separating it from Lottie. I stood in between the two of them, blocking any harm from coming to her. The other wolf is laying on the ground whimpering with its paw limp, letting me know that I had injured it. I did not let my guard down and continued to growl at it, warning it, daring it to try to come after my sister again. However, soon it was not just the three of us. 

Now I was met with not one but two giant wolves alphas charging over to us and standing in front of the other wolf. They were both growling at me and by the power within their growls, I knew that this was their omega that I had injured. I was scared, however, I was not going to show it. I was not going to back down and allow Lottie to be injured or worse by anyone, alpha or omega alike. So I continue to growl now, at all three of them and baring my teeth at them trying to stand my ground. Clearly, this did not go over well with them because soon one of them started walking toward me. I prepared myself for battle. I crouched down ready to lung at it whenever the time was right. 

As it got closer it lunged at me, however, the impact never came. Instead, a loud, deep growl washed over us. I heard the omega whimper while another continued to growl at me. In front of me was a man with shoulder-length dark curly hair with his back to me growling at the other wolf. 

"Enough!" the curly-haired man demanded. However, the other wolf did not listen and continued to growl and stalk forward, challenging him. "Zayn! I said enough! If you take one more step towards him it will be me you are dealing with and I assure you it will not be good!" 

Zayn stopped moving and continued to growl at us. This was when two more men one with shorter hair and the other with hair past his shoulders both also with curly hair, alphas by the look of them came to stand beside the curly-haired man. Standing tall and growling at the wolf in front of them. 

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