Chapter 26

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Hello, Lovelies!

I am so sorry that it has been so long! I want to say a massive thank you to all those who have stuck with this story and reached out for updates! I love all of you!

M xx

Louis' POV

Waking up to extreme indigestion is never fun. But lately it has been the norm. I guess it is time to get up and start the day. There is not much time left before the they get here and yet I still have so much stuff to get. I put some comfy clothes on because they are the only things that will fit over my massive stomach.

As I made my way to the kitchen, I realize I cannot feel any of my alphas.

"Good morning, my darling! How did you sleep?" Anne greeted, with her motherly smile.

"Morning, Anne. These babies need to come soon before they get evicted. I cannot stand the sleepless nights and waking up to atrocious indigestion after finally getting to sleep. Yesterday was the worse it has been. The triplets had to end the shopping early due to it. And then I felt like absolute shit all night. Speaking of, where are they this morning?"

"Ahh, yes, I do remember what it is like. It was the absolute worst but it will all be worth it when they are placed in your arms for the first time." She said, as she came around and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Also, the lads are out, there was something that needed all of their attention. But they should be back in the early afternoon. But I was thinking, how would you feel about popping into town with Lottie and I today? We could get the rest of the stuff you need and Lottie wanted to get something for the babies as well."

"That sounds wonderful, honestly. Can we go after breakfast?"

"Of course, you eat and I will go tell Lottie to get ready, but take your time because we both know how long it can take that girl. I swear it's like she needs to be ready for a photo op at any given time!" She said, causing us both to laugh.

After breakfast, we loaded into the car and headed to the shops.

"I am going to go look at the clothes! I need to find the perfect outfits for them!" Lottie squealed and ran inside before anyone could stop her.

Anne and I looked at each other and just shook our heads, "That girl I swear!"

I started getting pains in my stomach again, I stopped for a moment and tried to rub it to soothe it. "Are you alright, love?" Anne asked concerned as she made her way around the car to me.

"Yeah, just gas. I should be fine soon. Let's just get this over with so I can get home and lay down. I don't need much just some nappies, wipes, bottles, blankets, swaddles, and whatever else I see."

"Alright, well don't overdue it. If you need to stop and take a break do it. We can always come back or send the lads back for anything that is still needed." With that, we made our way inside.

I was okay for about 15 minutes before the pain got worse. "Alright, I am going to get you home, you need to rest. Let me just go find Lottie and we can pay and head back."

"Alright, but I just need to go grab some bottles real quick. I will be okay, I will meet you both up there. I promise, I will be okay." I assured her but I knew she was still worried. Nevertheless, she nodded and went searching for Lottie.

I made my way to the bottles but as I was searching for the best ones, the pain kept getting worse. I realized quickly that something wasn't right. The pain kept getting more and more intense. I tried to make my way to the front, however, it was proving to be nearly impossible.

"Luna, are you alright? You don't look so good," an omega said as she passed by.

"Something's not r-r-right. I need my alphas. Please, help me. Get A-Anne. H-h-help m-m-me," was all I could get out before everything went black.

Lottie's POV

"There you are! Bloody hell, Lots are you buying the whole store?" Anne laughed as she saw me trying to navigate through the store with my arms filled with baby things.

"What? They need all of this!" I responded.

"Oh, I am sure they will do without the 4 stuffies! Never mind, we need to go, Lou is not feeling well so we need to get him home to rest."

"Oh, ok. Yeah, let's go," I say. About that time, we hear a loud commotion.

"LUNA! Someone quick! Call the doctor!" We hear someone shout.

We drop everything immediately and run towards the shouting. I was not prepared for what I came up on. Louis was lying on the ground body shaking violently. "Louis!"

"Oh my god, Louis! What happened" Anne cried, running to him. I couldn't make out what anyone was saying, I could only focus on Louis.

"LOTTIE! I need you to run as fast as you can to the training fields. Tell the triplets what's happened, have them meet us at the hospital! Go now, quickly!" Anne yelled.

I quickly did as she said and started running out of the shop. Once I was outside I changed, it would be a lot faster on four legs as opposed to two. It took me 10 minutes running at full speed to the fields.

I saw Zayn and Liam first. As I ran towards them, I let out a loud howl announcing my presence.

"Lottie?" Liam asked confused.

I quickly changed back into human form. "Alphas! Where are the alphas!" I huffed out, struggling to catch my breath.

"Whoa whoa, slow down. Zayn your shirt!" Liam said, motioning to his mate to give me his shifty.

"Never mind that, where are the alphas? There's something wrong with Louis! They need to get to hospital now!" I rushed out as I pulled on Zayn's shirt.


"Alphas!" Zayn yelled as he ran off towards the group of pack members on the other side of the clearing. Liam and I quickly following behind.

When we reached them, they all looked confused as to why I was there. "Lots, what are you doing here?" Edward asked.

"It's Louis. We went shopping with Anne and he passed out and was seizing. We need to get to the hospital now!"  Instead of responding, the three of them took off running faster than I've ever seen towards hospital.

"Go with them, we will meet you all there once we get things settled here."

"Okay, but no one has told Niall, so you should do that before you come to hospital."

With that, I changed and made my way back to the hospital to be with my family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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