Chapter 24

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Louis' POV

It's been a few months since everything happened after my Luna ceremony. That was a  conversation with Lottie. However, she took it a lot better than I had originally thought she would. But still after everything, he did he was her father, the man who raised her and picked her up when she fell. 

It's not month 7 of my pregnancy and the doctor said it won't be long now because multiples usually come earlier than normal. To say I am exhausted would be an understatement. I have been a lot more moody but what do you expect when my stomach is the size of a beachball. 

Currently, I am in our room trying to change my pants which is proving to be a very difficult task. "URGH!" I groaned. 

Not even 30 seconds later I heard 3 sets of feet coming up the stairs in a hurry before my mates were barging through the door. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Are you okay?" 

"Is something wrong with the pups?" 

All three of them ramble out at the same time in a panic. It was honestly cute and endearing that it almost made me forget about my clothes that were shrinking... almost. "We're fine, I just can't get these stupid pants over my ass. I'm an absolute whale!" I groaned. 

"Oh, baby, you're not a whale, you're pregnant. Why are you even changing, it's the middle of the afternoon?" Harry wondered.

"Because, Harry, if you must know your daughters apparently that it was a good idea to use my bladder as their own punching bag they can use as practice for when they audition for the next Karate Kid movie, causing me to piss myself!" I sassed, rolling my eyes. 

"Oh, my love, come on let's find you some new pants. It's not a big deal you have nothing to be embarrassed about," Marcel said, trying to make me feel better. 

"I can't I don't have anything else that fits me! That's why I was going to wear these because they were the only ones that still fit me but now they are just useless because I'm a massive cow!" I cried. 

"Princess, hey come here love," Edward said. I reluctantly made my way over to him and allowed him to pull me onto his lap. "Darling, it's going to be okay. We will get you some new clothes that you will be comfortable in. Mum is out shopping now, we will have her pick you up some more pants that will hold you over until we go shopping. Can you try calming down for us? Getting worked up like this isn't good for you or the pups." 

I nodded, trying to do as he said. It took a moment but soon I was just sniffling and my breathing had returned to normal. "I'm sorry, my loves, I just get overwhelmed sometimes and I can't do anything but cry and that just makes it all worse. I really hate these hormones! I love our pups and being pregnant with them but I can't wait for them to be here so that these hormones can go away. I know it's not been the easiest time for you all trying to keep up with me and my moodiness either. I am sorry for how I've behaved and will behave in the future but I really do love and appreciate you three so much!" 

"We love you too, baby, more than anything. We know this has been hard for you but we are always here for you no matter what." 

"I'm just so over this honestly. I can't wear the clothes that I want,  I'm miserable most of the time, I have pissed myself more times that anyone over the age of 2 should, these mood swings are next level, and to top it all off I am always so fucking horny it's not even funny!" I ranted. 

This caused them all to laugh. 

"It's not funny!" I cried. 

"No, no, baby, we're not laughing at you. You're just so cute! We're sorry!" Harry said. 

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