Chapter 20

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Louis' POV

I was downstairs waiting in the kitchen for Lottie to come down so we can go on our weekly time together. I was about to go back upstairs to see what was taking her so long but when I entered the foyer, she and Niall were running down them laughing hysterically about who knows what.

"Oh, Lou, we were just about to come find you! I know that this is supposed to be our time today, but I was hoping that we could bring Niall along too. If that was okay with you," Lottie asked.

"Sure, Lots! Are you both ready to go?" I asked.

"Yep, let's go Lou. Lottie said that we are going to get food and I am starving!" Niall beamed, running outside.

We arrived in town at the diner that Niall swears by has the best chicken ever. We were never going to get away with going somewhere else. We were seated waiting for our food as Niall was slurping down his second milkshake. "Seriously, lad, where do you put it all?" I asked, absolutely astounded by his ability to eat.

"What? I am hungry!" he said as if it was the most normal thing ever.

"Niall, we just ate a few hours ago," Lottie pointed out.

By the time he had finished his third milkshake, our food came out. We were all eating and having a great time. We finished our food and Niall insisted we have dessert as well, although I have no idea how after his three milkshakes, some soda, and his entire meal. Throughout the meal I started to feel off, I was not sure what was happening. I know the season was changing and it was getting colder outside so maybe I am just getting sick. I started to feel warm so I got some ice cream and water hoping that it would make me feel better. However,  I was wrong. Instead, I just continued to get hotter causing me to fidget in my seat. 

This did not go unnoticed by Lottie or Niall. They stopped eating their desserts and looked at me concerned, "Lou, are you okay?" 

"I'm not sure. I don't feel very good. Is it warm in here?" I asked. 

They both looked at each other and then back at me, confusion on their faces. "No, Lou, I actually think it's kind of cool in here," Lottie said. 

A few moments later, Niall gasped in realization, "Louis, is it your heat? Didn't you say that it was due within the next couple of weeks? Maybe it is early." 

Shit, I thought to myself, "How could I have forgotten?" 

"We need to get you home, now!" Niall said frantically, causing us to gather our stuff and heading out of the diner. 

"Call the triplets on our way home, Louis, have them meet us there," Niall instructed. 

I tried all of them, multiple times but none of them answered. Niall even tried Zayn and Liam but their didn't answer as well. At this point, I am burning up and can't stay still. I just wanted to get home and be with my mates. 

Finally, after what felt like forever, we made it home. I ran as fast as I could into the house and straight to mine and the triplets' room. Being in this room, with all of their scents around me immediately calmed me down but not much. I instinctively made my way to the closet and started taking every article of  their clothing in there  and started making a nest out of it. I tried to make it perfect but it was missing something. I ran to our laundry hamper and gathered all of their dirty clothes and threw them down on it before getting in the middle, burrowing myself in the nest as well as putting their clothes on top of me so that I was completely engulfed with their scents. This would help for a little while, hopefully enough time to get my alphas here. 

3rd Person's POV 

Downstairs panic was spread throughout the house. When Niall and Lottie made it into the house, they found that it was empty, except for Zayn and Liam who were in the lounge. Looking at the surroundings, it was clear that they were meant to be watching TV, however, when Lottie and Niall entered the room, they found the two alphas partially naked, in a very heated make out session. 

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