Chapter 22

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Louis' POV

It has been a few months since we found out I was pregnant and it has been amazing. However, we have only shared this with Lottie and the boys. It's not that we don't want to tell the pack but we just want to keep it for ourselves for a little longer. However, I know that they want to share it with everyone so badly but they haven't because of me. I have been thinking about this for a while now and after my doctor's appointment, I am going to tell them that I am ready to share this news with the pack as well as ready to go through with the Luna ceremony. 

My stomach started to rumble letting me know that it was time for me to get some lunch. I made my way to the home office where Edward was working. I knocked on the door before entering. 

He turned around in his chair offering me a loving smile while motioning to the phone letting me know to be quiet. I walked over to him straddling him, snaking my hands around his neck. Immediately, he wrapped his free arm around me holding me tight. A few moments later, he ended the phone call. He put his phone down and pulled me into him properly. 

He nosed at my mark, inhaling deeply, "Mmmm, god I love you! How did we get so lucky to have such a perfect omega. I mean look at you, so full of our pup," he said as he pulled me in for a kiss. Then he proceeded to place kisses all over my face and neck. 

I couldn't help but giggle, squirming in his grip, "That tickles, Eddie!" 

He just smiled at me, "I love your little giggles, princess." 

"I love you, Alpha!" He growled possessively. I knew what that does to him when I call him that. He pulled me back in, crashing his lips to mine. The kiss turned heated, however, my stomach ruined the moment when it growled loudly. 

He just chuckled, "You're hungry, my love." 

"Yes, that was what I was coming in here to ask if you wanted me to make some lunch for you as well but you distracted me with those luscious lips."  

"That would be great, princess. I have to finish up some things then I will be in. Harry and Marcel should be here in an hour too." 

I got up about to leave when he pulled me back, giving me another kiss and then leaned down and kissed my bump, "I love you, my pup!" With that, I left, making my way to the kitchen. 

I was only able to make a sandwich for us, because Anne doesn't trust me alone in there yet. As I searched through the cabinets and fridge, I started pulling out everything that I could. Once I was done with the sandwiches, I placed them on the counter and got two waters out for us. 

Just as I put the waters down, Edward came into the kitchen.  He sat down and smiled at me, "Thank you, princess!" 

At this point I was really hungry so instead of replying, I picked up my sandwich and took a big bite. I couldn't help the moan that escaped at the taste. Edward chuckled before taking a bite of his own sandwich. Immediately, he gagged and spit it out, "Bloody hell, what is that?" he asked as he lifted the top piece of bread to examine what kind of sandwich it was. I couldn't help the tears that escaped down my face. I felt like such a failure, what kind of omega can't cook or even make a sandwich right for their alpha? 

He looked at me and immediately his face turned from disgust to guilt. He knew his reaction upset me, "Oh, no, Princess I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you!"

"No, I'm sorry. I'm a terrible omega, I can't even make you a sandwich right!" I cried. 

"No, no, princess. I think you are just starting to have cravings and you were made the sandwich that sounded good to you!" 

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