Chapter 21

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Hello my loves! 

I am sorry it is taking me so long to update! Please be patient with me. I hope you all like this chapter. Please let me know what you think! 

~M xx


Louis' POV

 I am currently sitting in the kitchen having a sandwich for lunch, just thinking about the last few weeks and my life in general. It had been a few weeks since my heat and it was great, the best heat I have ever gone through, but it is nice to have a clear head again. The triplets were great during my heat and after, always making sure I was okay and taken care of. Our sex life has been booming, they couldn't seem to keep their hands off of me, not that I am complaining or anything. 

I was taken out of my thoughts by Lottie, "Hey, Lou," she greeted with a smile. 

"Hey, Lots, what's up?" 

"Nothing, was looking for Anne, have you seen her?" she asked. 

"No, I think she went out. Is everything okay? Can I help you with something?"

"No, I just need to go to the store to get some things and needed her to take me."

"Oh, well, Haz is in town, I will call him and ask him to pick it up. What do you need?" I asked as I pulled out my phone. 

"NO!" she shouted, face turning red, "I-I-I mean no, thank you but I can just wait until Anne gets home." 

I furrowed my brows in confusion at what is going on with her, "Is everything okay, Lots? What's going on; why are you acting strange?" 

She sighed, face still beat red, "I started my period and don't have anything so I need to go to the store. BUT! I do not want Harry getting me anything, or even knowing about it; it's bad enough that you know." 

I tried to make sure my face didn't make her feel any worse or embarrassed than she already did, "Oh, love, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. This is all completely natural. How about this, why don't we go into town and get what you need. Go get your things and we will leave in a few minutes." 

With that she went upstairs to get ready while I cleaned up my lunch dishes and get ready myself. I quickly sent my alphas a message letting them know where I was going. Immediately, I received three replies from them. After what happened with my heat, they all made sure that they could be reached at all times so nothing like that happens again. I have to admit, it is nice because they always check up on me while they are away and it helps me massively. 

I made my way to the foyer where I met Lottie at the door, "Are you all ready to go?" 

"Yes, just waiting on you," she said, playfully huffing, rolling her eyes at me. 

"Oi, you better watch it young lady, you are talking to your Luna!" I sassed back. I didn't miss the smile that was displayed on her face. As we made our way out the door and to town. 

When we reached the store, Lottie went off to the aisle that contained her items and I made my way elsewhere, trying to give her the privacy she wanted. I found my way to the snack aisle, picking out some sweets and other junk food for her, and myself but mainly her I reasoned with myself. I continued walking around, up and down the aisles, however, when I got to the seafood aisle the smell made me nauseous, I dropped the items in my hands and ran to the toilets. I just barely made it before vomiting my lunch up. 

When I was done, I cleaned myself up before making my way to Lottie. As I was walking through the store, I was getting looks from others as I was passing by. I got insecure because I was afraid that I smelled like vomit. I just wanted to get to Lottie and purchase our things and go shower. 

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