Chapter 18

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Louis' POV

I was woken up by hushed whispers. I felt different, like I was missing a part of me. When I opened my eyes I realized it was because one of my mates was no longer in bed with me. I looked around and spotted Harry in just his boxers at the door having a quiet conversation with someone. But it didn't take long for me to realize it was another omega. Immediately, I became defensive. I shot out of bed and ran over to my alpha. I yanked him behind me, which proved to be much easier than I had expected, probably because he was not expecting it.

"Oh, hi, Lou! I was just coming to see how it went," he beamed at me sending me a wink at the same time. 

 I started growling instinctively at Niall. I was glaring at him, "MINE!" I growled. 

His eyes got wide and he started stuttering, "I-I-I umm, Louis, i-i-it's me."

I knew deep down that Niall was not a threat, but when it came to being recently mated, omegas and alphas got way more possessive than normal. It had only been a few hours so my omega and I were still trying to adjust to it all (the exception to this rule is immediate family). Which is why I stepped closer to Niall, still growling and said, "I don't bloody care who the fuck you are! Stay away from my alphas! If you come close to them again, I will rip you to pieces!" 

He started crying and ran away as fast as he could. I slammed the door shut and locked it so no one else could get to my alphas. 

I was immediately engulfed in three pairs of arms. My alphas were scenting me, trying to calm me down as best as possible. I whimpered as they did this. I turned around and tried to scent them back. I was extremely possessive right now, especially after another omega had been in the same vicinity as them. "MINE," I growled again, but this time it was not a warning but rather a confirmation. Each of them reiterated that they were mine which helped me to relax a bit more. It was enough to get me back in bed and us to go to sleep again. 

The next time I woke up, it was morning. I felt so refreshed and complete for the first time in my life. The void in my heart that I didn't even know was there was suddenly filled with the three alphas laying next to me. They looked so peaceful like this, I couldn't help but  smile at them as they slept. I cuddled myself closer to them causing them to throw their arms and legs over me, effectively trapping me but that was okay with me I just enjoyed their closeness. 

I stayed like this for a while longer until I got the need to use the toilet. I tried to remove their limps from me but it only caused them to tighten their grip on me. I huffed and just laid back. However, after a few more minutes, I felt like my bladder was going to burst if I didn't get to the toilet soon. 

I tried to remove them from me yet again only to be met with the same results. Finally, I let out a loud whine which did the trick. It was very hard for an alpha to ignore their omega's whines because that usually meant that they were in some sort of distress. 

Immediately, all three of them were awake and on high alert ready to fight to the death any threat that was present. When they didn't see any, they turned to me confused and concerned. 

"Lou, what's wrong? Are you hurt? What happened?" Marcel asked frantically as his brothers checked me over for any sign of injury. 

I smiled at their concern finding it incredibly sweet and endearing, "I am find, my loves. I just have to wee and you lot trapped me in with your giant limps. I tried to get out without waking you but you weren't having it and just tightened your grips on me." 

I saw all of them visibly relax after hearing that I was not in any danger. "We're sorry, darling. We will try to be more careful in the future. Go do your business and then we can go down to get some breakfast," Marcel said with a smile on his face. 

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