Chapter 13

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Louis' POV

These past few days have been going good for me. I have to say, that taking Anne up on her offer to help out more has really helped me to breath and start to live. Of course it doesn't happen over night but this time with the triplets has helped me to understand that Lottie and I are perfectly safe here and we have a place to belong. Something that we haven't be afforded in so long. Anne has also been great for Lottie. Having not only another woman in her life but also a motherly figure has made such a difference in just the few weeks we have been here. She is happy and that is all I have ever wanted for her. 

Lottie has taken to the pack a lot more easily and openly than I have. She has gone into town many times with Anne or Niall and every time she comes back booming with exciting things to tell me. It makes me smile and wonder what I am so afraid of. I have listened to Lottie talk about how welcoming everyone is as well as the triplets, Anne, and Niall all talk about how great the pack is. Maybe it is time to stop hiding and being afraid. 

I was honestly excited about my decision. I feel like I have had a weight lifted off of my shoulder, a weight that I didn't even know I was carrying. The first thing I wanted to do is share my news with the triplets. I knew they were outside with the others so I made my way out to the backyard. 

I walked outside to a beautiful sight, Lottie was running around with all the lads laughing and goofing off while Anne was sitting on the deck just watching it all play out with a smile on her face. She really looked like such a proud mum, not only to the triplets but to everyone. 

"Hey, Lou! Come to join the fun?" Anne asked. 

"Well, I was going to talk to the triplets but I didn't realize they were having so much fun, I would hate to spoil that," I replied with a chuckle as I continued to watch it. 

However, that didn't last long because a few moments later, I had three alphas running to me. I had to brace myself for the impact. They all got to me at the same time, pulling me into a group hug. 

"Louis, hi! We missed you!" Marcel greeted while still holding me. 

I laughed at the three of them and said, "You just saw me at breakfast an hour ago, Marcie." 

"Yeah, and that was an hour without you too long!" he whined. 

"Well, I am here now and I wanted to speak to you three if you have a moment." 

"Of course, love!" Harry said. I led them all away from the rest who were still running around like fools. 

When we were far enough away, I stopped and turned to face them, "Okay, so I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about this a lot and I have decided that it is time that I get out more and go into town and meet some of the pack. So I was wondering if I could join you all when you go into town next if that is okay with you of course." 

The three of them had huge smiles on their faces. "Of course you can, Lou! We would love for you to join us, whenever you want to! But what changed your mind? I know you have been hesitant on meeting others so I just want to make sure you're completely sure you want this," Edward said. 

"I know that I have been hesitant but I realized that I have nothing to worry about. Plus I will have the three of you there with me to keep me safe right?"

"Absolutely! Not that we think there will be any issues but we will always be there to keep you safe and make sure you are comfortable!" Harry immediately said, the seriousness in his voice was very comforting.

"Good, then I have nothing to worry about. However, I still don't want to make a big deal about it, so if we could leave Niall's enthusiastic self home that would be great," I said teasingly, yet serious at the same time. 

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