Chapter 6

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I haven't done Harry's POV yet so here we go. 

Harry's POV

After Louis dropped and Marcel changed back, the three of us made our way back inside with Louis. We needed to make sure he was as safe and comfortable as possible during this time. 

As we went inside, we passed the others who were still  gathered in the sitting room from earlier. As we passed, they all looked our way. 

"Is he okay? What happened to him?" Lottie asked frantically coming towards us to check on her brother. 

"He is okay, he just slipped into omega space when we were trying to heal him. His wounds are completely healed now but it all got so overwhelming for him. Which makes sense being as he doesn't know that we are his mates, yet. But he will be okay. After all he has been through, he needs this. However, we are not leaving him alone while he is dropped. Liam, Zayn you two will be in charge until he is back. If anything happens take care of it. Niall, you and mum look after Lottie please." 

Everyone nodded their heads and Zayn and Liam left to make sure everything is going smoothly with the rest of the pack. 

I lead my brothers upstairs into our room where I lay him down on our king size bed. We climbed in after him as well. This is going to be the best place for him when is coming out of his drop because he will be surrounded by all of our scents and while he may not know that he is our mate, it will still bring him comfort and safety. Plus, I don't think that any of us would be able to leave him alone right now. That and his scent mixed with ours is the best thing I've ever experienced. All of my mates scents surrounding me. 

"Haz, do you want to tell us what happened? We leave you for a few days and come back to find you about to fight with Zayn?" Edward asked. 

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling, "Honestly, this has all been a lot. You two had just left for the meeting with the other pack alphas, I was making my rounds when Liam came running up in his wolf with Niall. I was told there were two injured wolves, one an omega and his sister on our lands. I wasn't sure what to expect but it definitely was not to meet our mate. However, as soon as I got close enough I was hit with his scent and then I saw him, I knew. I couldn't even let Zayn near him at first. But I had to let him help him onto me so I could bring him back. He had been unconscious until today when you both came back. I stepped out for a few moments to get some air because I have been by his side the entire time. But that was when he woke up, alone. Then he came outside at just the right time to see Niall and Lottie playing around but Niall was in his wolf form chasing her and Louis thought she was in danger. He came out and attacked Niall causing Zee and Li to get involved. I heard all of it from the other side of the house so I came around. Luckily I was there just in time because Louis almost attacked Zayn as well. And you both know how that ended up."

"Well now he is here with us and we will take care of him, protect him no matter what! We have to make sure we make him feel safe and wanted here so he doesn't leave," Edward said matter of factly. 

"And Lottie. I do not know there story but I know that they both need to feel safe and need us just as much as we need them!" Marcel said. 

A few hours later, Louis started to come out of his drop. It was apparent that he was confused at first and a little scared. 

"Louis? Hey, it's okay. You're safe, we got you," Marcel said, trying to sooth him. 

"Alphas?" he whimpered, clearly still in his drop haze. 

"Yes, Omega. It is okay, you are safe. You can come out of it." I said. 

He sighed and cuddled into Marcel and I again, breathing in our scents, "Mmm, my Alphas." 

I could sense the tension in among my brothers and I. We knew that he was still in a daze from his drop and he was not one hundred percent coherent yet, but it still felt so nice to hear him call us his alphas. However, that didn't last long because soon his eyes snapped open and he shot out of the bed in a panic.

"I-I-I mean, I-I didn't mean to, uhh..." he stuttered out before running out of the room. 

"We have to go after him. Make sure he is alright!" Edward said. 

"No, Ed. We need to give him time. This is all new to him and he needs to be able to have some time. If we go busting in there now it could scare him away and we don't want that," I countered. 

"Haz is right, Ed. We just need to give him some time. He has been through a lot and if we push him to hard he could drop again or worse, leave us. He will be ok. Let's just go downstairs and leave him be." Edward didn't really like that but he understood where we were coming from. 

We made our way downstairs. When we reached the bottom, we heard laughter coming from the kitchen. When we got there, we found Niall, Lottie, and our mum laughing and throwing flour, that was meant for what looked like our dessert tonight, at each other. Effectively creating a massive mess throughout the kitchen and all over themselves. 

"Oh, boys! I didn't know you two were back home! Have you met Lottie and her Omega brother, Louis?" mum asked the other two, making sure they understood that Louis was an omega... our omega. 

"Yes, mother. We met him a few hours ago!" Marcel beamed at her, letting her know that they had also discovered that he was our mate. 

"Oh, so you know then! Have you told him yet?" 

"No, not yet. We haven't had a chance really. And we don't want to overwhelm him. He has had a rough couple of hours, and week. We just want to make sure he is healthy before we just spring this on him. He's quite umm..." I say, not knowing the correct word for it. 

Marcel seemed to though, "Spirited!" 

We all laugh at that because he is indeed spirited. 

"Yeah, that's one way to put my brother," Lottie said sarcastically. 

"Well, I think that it is great that you three have found your mate! Now, where is he? Dinner will be done shortly!" mum said. 

"He needed some time alone after his drop. We will check on him in a bit." Edward said. 

However, what we didn't know is that Louis had already came out of his room and was about to join us in the kitchen when he overheard everything we just said. 



I'm sorry this was a short chapter. I wanted to give you all an update and this seemed like a good stopping point for now. 

How do you think Louis will react to finding out the triplets are his mate? 

All the love!! xx 

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