Chapter 17

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Hi everyone! 

Here is the next chapter. I want to warn everyone that there is going to be smut in here. I have never wrote smut before so I am sorry if it is bad please don't be too harsh! I thought about leaving it out but I feel like because this is an ABO it needs it to some extend to help with the story line. 



Louis' POV

Thursday flew by so fast. I have been hiding from the triplets all day trying to keep busy making sure that everything is ready for tonight. I am making Niall come along with me as well to ensure that if I explode from all the nerves and stress that someone will be there to tell others what happened well that and so he didn't accidently tell the entire town and especially the triplets. 

Finally around four in the afternoon, Niall had enough of my craziness and intervened. "Lou, buddy, you have got to calm down or you're going to make yourself sick," Niall pleaded, trying to calm me down a bit. 

"I can't, I still have so much to do to make sure it is perfect!" I exclaimed, frantically gathering everything and placing it in strategically around my room to see the perfect placement for everything so that I can replicate it in the triplets' room. 

Niall came over to me and grabbed the candles out of my hands and made me stop to look at him, "Louis, it will be perfect for them as long as you are there. They wouldn't care if you had three  different shades of red flowers or if you are suspended from rope in nothing but a thong. All they want is you. You don't have to do all of this over the top stuff. So please, forget about all of this and come downstairs and have a snack with me." 

I sighed, knowing that he was right. I followed him downstairs to the kitchen trying to relax and not think about tonight. 

The kitchen was empty when we got there which I was thankful for because I wasn't trying to interact with anyone really. "Damn, I was hoping Mama Anne would be here she is the best cook. Oh well, I guess we will have to make due," Niall said with a shrug as he moved about the kitchen. 

That, however, proved to be a terrible idea. Niall was a disaster in the kitchen. He has created a huge mess and nearly burned the house down during the process. When he placed a plate in front of me I nearly vomited. I hesitantly took a bite out it trying not to be rude since he went through all of this trouble but I immediately spit it back on the plate, "Bloody hell, Niall! That is the worst thing I've ever tasted and that's saying something because I was a rogue for multiple years! Good god, lad you think that someone who is obsessed with food you would be able to cook but that was just awful."

"Hey, what's going on in here? It looks like the kitchen exploded. Niall did you cook again? What have I told you about using the kitchen?" Anne scolded as she took in the disaster that used to be her clean kitchen. 

Niall's eyes got huge, "I'm sorry, Mama Anne! I was just hungry and Louis was stressed out so I was trying to distract him as well. It was like killing two birds with one stone." 

She raised her eyebrow at him skeptically, trying to figure out if he was telling her the truth or not, "Fine, but you better clean this up before you leave for the movie or else." 

"Yes, Ma'am." 

"Now, Lou, darling what's going on? Why are you so stressed out?" she asked me calmly. 

"I don't know. I guess I am just nervous for tonight. I don't want to do anything wrong and embarrass myself. I am so scared that I will mess this up and they will see that I am not the omega or Luna that they want," I said with my head low. 

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