Chapter 23

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Louis' POV

"Okay, Lou, today is the day. Are you ready?" Anne asked. 

"Yeah, but I am nervous too. It will be the first time I am going to be in front of the entire pack. But, also what if they don't want me as their Luna? What with they think if their pack doesn't accept me? I don't want to put them in that situation. They take so much pride in this pack, I don't want to be the reason they are upset if I am not accepted." 

"Oh, love, this pack will love you! I know there have been some people who haven't been so nice but I know this pack and most will love you and accept you. And those who don't will once they see how truly amazing you are and how happy you make their alphas. I assure you it will be okay. But I also encourage you to talk to them about how you're feeling. They will want to know, but I think it will make you feel better as well." It was nice having not only a Luna's perspective but also a mother's. 

"Yeah, you're right, I'll talk to them when they get back. But for now do you have any advice for me?" 

She smiled, "Enjoy it. It is going to be one of the most special nights of your life, aside from mating and the birth of your pups. But take the time to show the pack who you are and how much you care for them. For some this may be the first time really seeing you or meeting you. And don't forget to believe in yourself. I know you struggle with that sometimes but you got this, we all believe in you. You are ready for this, darling. I know there is no better person more capable of taking my place as Luna. I will be here if you ever need anything." 

"Thank you, Anne, that means so much to me. I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you," I said as I gave her a hug. 

"I love you too, my darling boy." 

"Hey, why are you giving away our cuddles away?" Edward teased as they all walked in. 

"Oh, hush he can cuddle me anytime he wants!" Anne exclaimed, swatting her hand dismissively, nevertheless, we pulled apart and I made my way to my mates who were waiting with open arms. 

"I missed you," I whispered as I pulled them in tight. 

"Oh, princess, we missed you too! But we are here now until we leave for the ceremony," Edward said. 

"Okay, can we go to our room?" I asked. 

"Of course, baby," said Harry as he picked me up allowing me to wrap myself around him. 

When we got upstairs, he laid me down in our bed. I made grabby hands towards them, letting them know I wanted them with me. They immediately made their way to me and laid down. Marcel on my right, Edward on my left, and Harry in the middle. I climbed on top of Harry and grabbed the other two's arms pulling them effectively wrapping them around of me, "There, much better." 

"How are you feeling, my love?" Marcie asked. 

I bit my lip hesitating, "Umm, well I'm kind of nervous. Talking to Anne helped a lot. I'm just nervous about the pack not liking or accepting me as their Luna." 

"Oh, baby, they will love you! Anyone who doesn't will accept it or leave. You are the best omega we could've ever asked for. You will make the most amazing Luna this pack has ever seen. You make us better alphas and people everyday. Your kindness and compassion for everyone make you perfect for Luna and perfect for us. We love you so much, Lou, and so will the pack," Harry said the others nodding in agreement. 

I couldn't help but smile at them, "Thank you, it really means a lot. I really needed to hear that." They all pulled me in to kiss me. 

Harry moved to my tummy and placed little kisses on it too. "Hello, my little loves, it's your daddy. How are you doing today? Have you been good for your mama? Oh, what am I saying, of course you were because you're absolutely perfect!" 

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