Chapter 25

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Louis' POV

"Come on, Eddie! I want to get there before all the good stuff is gone!" I whined because he was talking way too long.
"Princess, it's a baby store, I'm sure they aren't going to run out of stuff. You need to be patient. I know you're stressed and excited but that doesn't give you an excuse to be rude, okay?" Eddie said.
I sighed, I understand where he is coming from, "I know, I'm sorry, Alpha. You're right, I'm just stressed because they will be here in a few weeks and there's still so much we need. I just want to be prepared. It's all just so overwhelming but you're right I shouldn't take it out on you. I'm sorry."
"Thank you, my love. I understand, this is new and a little overwhelming for all of us. But we will get through this together but we have to communicate that with each other. And if we don't find the perfect cribs for them, then we will personally build them to your exact specifications."
I couldn't help but laugh at that, "thank you, Eddie, you always know how to cheer my up!"
"I'm glad I could help, Princess. Now why don't we head out and go meet the other two, they should be on their way there now."
When we arrived, the other two were waiting outside for us. If I wasn't a walking beach ball, I would've ran to them, but unfortunately I can only manage a brisk waddle. "Alphas!" I beamed as I made my way to them.
"Hello, our cute, sweet omega!" Hazzie said as he picked me up and they both gave me kisses.
"How are you doing, darling? We've missed you!" Marcie asked.
"I missed you too! But I had fun with Eddie today. We watched Grease together!"
"Ooh nice! I wish I could've been there too! But we're here now so what do you say we get to shopping for our precious girls?" Harry said enthusiastically causing Marcel and I to squeal at the mention of shopping for our pups.
I pulled them over to the cribs section first because that was essential. We all began examining them one by one looking for the perfect one.
"What about this one, darling?" Edward asked pointing at a black crib.
I looked at it thoroughly but not really feeling it. "Hmm, I don't know. It's just not what I'm picturing. I want something modern but elegant. I don't really want to have the typical pink or purple for their room. Our girls deserve the very best and unique room, after all they are the next heirs to this pack they should be treated as such starting with their nursery."
Edward listened carefully to what I was saying. He nodded and the four of us moved on in search for the perfect cribs. They had s variety of cribs but none that were worthy. I was beginning to lose hope when Edward found another one, a set actually. "Yes! These are the ones! I want them! Please, Alphas, can we get them?" I begged.
"Of course, Princess. You stay here while I go track down an associate for assistance," Edward said, walking away but not before kissing her head.
"I'm so excited! These are going to look so goos I can already see it! After this we need to get bedding, clothes, nappies, and then—" I rambled off everything we needed. But Harry stopped me, "Hey, hey, baby, slow down okay? We will have time to get everything we need and want but you need to calm down a bit, yeah?" He said holding my face between his hands so I was focused on him.
I nodded, "Yes, I'm just so excited!"
They both just chuckled at me.
Edward was finally back after talking with someone about purchasing the cribs. Once that was all sorted, I pulled me on to the clothes. We each got sucked into the cuteness of the tiny clothes. Soon we had a cart piled high of clothes for our girls. I'd love to think that we had so much clothes due to having multiples but that would be a fat lie, we would just fill it up with more clothes.
"Okay, I think that's enough for now. We need to save some for other people, too," Hazzie joked laughing at the massive pile of baby clothes over flowing from the cart.
We all reluctantly made our way out of the clothing section and onto our next conquest. As we passed by a certain section, I stopped, "Umm, actually why don't you go ahead and I will meet you three there. I- uh- I need to grab something."
"What do you need, my love? We can just go with you," Marcel asked.
"I- uh-I-I need umm, something," I stuttered, I could feel my face heating up from my embarrassment.
"Hey, baby, what's wrong? Why are you embarrassed?" Harry asked.
"I need to get a nursing bra for the leaking..."I whispered, my face heating up more and more by the second.
"Oh, my darling, you don't need to be embarrassed about that; it's completely normal. Come on, let us go with you and we can help pack some out together. What do you say?" Edward said.
I nodded, "Yeah, okay."
We went into the bra section and found the nursing racks.there were a lot more to choose from than I expected which was overwhelming. I looked at each of them, thoroughly examining them to see if they would work for me or not, however, that was proving to be difficult, " Ugh! I don't know anything about this!"
"is ther anything we can do to help you, love?" Marcel asked.
"Do you know anything about nursing bras" I asked. the looks on their faces were answer enough. I sighed again.
"Maybe we wait on this and mum can come with you to help," Marcel suggested, which wasn't such a bad idea.
"Yeah, okay. that's probably the best option. I'm getting hungry anyway; can we get one thing to eat?"
"Of course, baby. Are you wanting to finish shopping first r purchase what we have and come back later?" Harry asked.
"We can come back later. I'm actually really hungry."
"Okay, let us go pay why don't you take a seat and wait for us. There was a beach up front,you go on and we will meet you there when we are done."
I nodded at them before giving them each a kiss and made my way to the front. As I was sitting down waiting for them to finish up, I started rubbing my stomach trying to relieve some of the pressure. Lately I have been craving spicy foods which of course leads to indigestion unfortunately I forgot the tums at home. Usually, it subsides quick enough afterwards but today doesn't seem to be the case.
"Hey princess, ready to go?" Edward asked, but once he saw the discomfort on my face, he stopped, "Is everything okay, Lou?"
"yeah, yeah, just my stomach. I'm sure it's just gas from all the spicy foods I've been eating lately. today is just one of the worse ones but don't worry it will pass." This seemed to each their mins a bit but not fully.
"Okay, baby, but if it gets worse let us know and we will call the doctor," Harry said.
With that we made our way to Nandos because it was the closest place and I was ready to naw one of their arms off. I got a sandwich that I absolutely devoured and I may or may not have also helped myself to theirs as well. But I mean theirs just looked so good and they were taking forever so I couldn't help myself.
"Would you like us to get you something else, princess?" Edward chuckled.
"No thank you, I'm kind of full now."
"Well I think that I'm gonna go get myself something else. Babes would you like anything else?" Edward asked looking at the other two. They both gave them their new orders before he walked towards the counter.
"So, what do you all have to do tomorrow? I know that with you all not being around today really you will probably be busy playing catch up, being the leaders and all. Hopefully, its been okay having their three big, strong Alphas around for the day," I said, trying my best to be flirty. Which seemed to have an affect on them. They both emitted low possessive growls for only us to hear. Marcel making his way over to sit next to Harry and I. Before they could begin kissing me, Edward returned with the food.
"Alright, here is the food... what did I miss my loves?" He asked as he took in our demeanor.
"Our omega thinks that it's fun to say things to get us riled up in public, isn't that right, my love?"
"I have no idea what they are talking about, Eddie, they just started viciously attacking me with their lips when I was just asking about what you all have to do tomorrow," I said, batting my eyes at him trying to be convincing but I knew he wasn't buying it.
"Oh, is that right, princess?"
"Yep!" I smiled causing them chuckle.
"Right. Well here is the food and I went ahead and got you some fruit for you, princes in case you decided you wanted more to eat."
"Ooh, yes! Thank you, Eddie!" I squealed grabbing the bowl of fruit from him. As I ate I did a little happy dance in my seat.
"You're so cute baby! We love you so much!" Harry said, kissing my temple.
"I love you too, alphas!"
"Now, to answer your question from earlier. Tomorrow we have to do some stuff, training some new recruits and make our rounds around town. We will try to not be gone too long but don't worry we have already talked with mum when we were checking out earlier. She will be with you all day and agreed to take you shopping again. I think Lottie is gonna go with you two as well. Maybe you can look at those things we were looking at earlier and they will be able to help you a lot better than we can," Harry said.
"Ooh, okay! I will miss you though. But this will be a good time to hang out with Lottie and talk with Anne about everything. I'm already 32 weeks and the doctor already said that with multiples, I could give birth around 34 weeks and that's very scary for me. But I think that talking with Anne will help. I mean I know that we all are nervous and a little scared but I want to talk to her about the birthing process, and while I love you three more than anything, this is something you can't really help with."
"That makes sense, love. I think it is a great idea! We understand that sometimes you just need a mother's advice."
"Yea, I just wish—ugh!" I groaned as I clenched my stomach.
"Baby? What is it? What's wrong!" Harry rushed, concern.
"Ugh!" I groaned again.
"Louis! Talk to us! What is going ?" Edward said.
I took a few deep breaths and it seemed to subside like before. "I'm okay, I'm okay. I just got indigestion again. I think I just need to go home and relax for a while if that's okay."
"Are you sure that you're okay? You were in real pain, princess. Maybe we should call the doctor and have you checked out." Edward said, extremely concerned.
"No, that's not necessary, I really think I just need to lay down."
They didn't want to believe me but they reluctantly accepted what I was saying and they escorted me out and we made our way home. Where they waited on me hand and foot and when they weren't we were cuddled up with each other.

Hello lovelies!

Here is the next chapter I hope you like it! Please let me know!
The picture above is what I envision the nursery to look like only all the girl themed.
Also, full disclosure, I am not a doctor or anything of the sorts so any medical stuff is made up and probably inaccurate but just go with it! :)

M xx

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