Chapter 12

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Hello lovely Humans! 

Here is the next chapter! It is a little longer than what I normally write. I hope you like it! 

Happy Reading!! 



Marcel's POV

I was on my way home from being in town with the pack. It was something that the three of us did daily. At least one of us would make sure to take time to do rounds in town so that we could be exposed to the pack. We didn't want to be like other pack alphas who sat in their luxurious, gated mansion like royalty who don't know their pack and their pack don't know them. 

Today, was my day to make my way through the town. I got to spend time talking to loads of people. Thankfully, people did not pry into our personal lives, mainly Louis. Not because I didn't want to talk about him but because he doesn't want others to talk about him. We respect his decision so we all agreed not to talk about him and to make sure others didn't if they tried. However, there was one person who did ask about him. One of the little pups, Clare, who is four years old came running up to me when she saw me walking by the park she was playing at. She was too cute. She asked me where he was and when she would get to meet him. I told her he would meet the pack when he is ready. She seemed to accept it either way she was soon interrupted by her mother who came rushing over apologizing for her trying to take her away. 

I smiled thinking about the struggle Clare put up just so she could run back to me and offered me some flowers, "These are for the Luna. I just know he is pretty and deserves pretty flowers!" I thanked her and told her that I would give them to Louis right away. Which is why I cut my rounds short and am making my way home with the flowers. 

When I got home, I went looking for him but I could not find him. I made my way to the kitchen to see if mum had seen him. 

"Hey, mum! Have you seen Louis?" 

"Oh, umm he stepped out for a bit. Is everything alright?" she said, but there was something about the way she said it that made me think she wasn't telling me something.

"Oh, yeah. Just have a gift from little Clare for him," I smiled, showing her the flowers. 

"Well wasn't that sweet of her! He should be back soon. Why don't you give them to me and I will put them in a vase for him," she suggested. 

"Thanks, mum. If Louis comes back can you send him upstairs please? Also, please don't tell him about the flowers. I don't want him to think that I was just going around talking about him with the pack today." 

"Of course, love. I won't say anything." 

With that, I made my way upstairs looking for my brothers. When I got to our room, I found Edward on his computer and Harry strumming his guitar. 

"Hey, loves!" I greeted as I walked in. 

I made my way to both to give them a kiss as well.

"Hi, baby. How was town today?" Harry asked as he put his guitar down. 

"It was good. Everyone is doing good. I got stopped by little Clare today while passing the park. She was so adorable! She came running up to me and then she asked about Louis. I know we agreed not to talk about him with others but she was just so cute! She even gave me flowers for him and asked me to give them to him because she just knows the Luna is pretty and deserves pretty flowers. It was so cute!" I rambled out. However, I started to overthink it all, "Do you think he will be angry? I swear I wasn't trying to talk about him. Oh, god I'm so stupid! I probably just ruined it for all of us. I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to!" 

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