Chapter 14

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Hello loves!  I wanted to let you all know that my partner had surgery a few days ago so updates may not be as frequent as I would like but I will do my best! 



Louis' POV

After hanging with the triplets in their room just talking, playing games, and goofing off we heard Anne yell out that dinner was ready. 

We all got up and made our way to the door. "Race ya!" I said as I took off running down the stairs. 

"Oi, no fair!" Marcel called out as they started chasing after me. I got all the way to the stairs before they caught up with me and I was lifted up and thrown over Harry's shoulder. 

It was very bumpy but I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably as my head bounced off of his back. "Oi, you big oaf put me down won't you!" I demanded half-heartedly. 

"I don't think I will. I quite like the view," Harry teased. 

"Oi, are you checking out my arse?" 

"No, we are checking out your fine arse," Marcel teased, landing a smack to my arse. 

"Oi, you just wait until I get down from here, I will get my pay back!" I said, trying to be serious but my voice gave me away. Luckily we finally arrived in dining room and I was placed on a chair. The four of us still laughing. 

"What's got you lot so happy today?" Anne asked. 

"Just had a great day today, mum," Harry said, smiling. 

"Does it have anything to do with the fact that you all went into town today and introduced Louis to some of the pack as our new Luna?" Niall asked 

"Niall!" Liam chastised. 

"What? Oh...right, I was not supposed to say anything," Niall  said sheepishly. 

"Liam, Zayn, you were supposed to keep this quiet. That's why we instructed you to keep him busy!" Marcel scolded. 

"Marcey, it's alright. We shouldn't have asked this of them, it wasn't fair of us. Imagine if your friend and pack alpha asked you to lie to your mate. It's okay seriously," I said to my mates and then turned to the rest of the room. "It is true, I did go into town today with them and was introduced as the Luna. And before anyone asks, yes I finally called them my mates but no, I do not want to talk about it either," I saw Niall's face drop when I said this so I added, "at least not yet. This is all still so new to me and I just need a little more time to get used to all of this. But I promise, Niall, we will talk about it soon." 

That seemed to do the trick because he perked right up with a huge smile on his face as he nodded frantically. I could tell he was just itching to to say something but he was holding himself back. I smiled and sighed as I just opened my arms to him. He squealed very loudly and ran over to me, "This is so amazing, Lou! I am so happy for you! I can't wait to talk about all of this with you! Whenever you are ready, no matter when just let me know and I will be there!" 

I returned the hug and thanked him. He really is a great person, and I know we will be great mates I just need some time to come out of my shell a little more. 

We pulled apart when Anne spoke up, "Well now that we have gotten that out of the way, let's eat shall we?" She gave me a knowing look that let me know that I was not getting out of having this conversation with her. 

"So how was everyone's day today?" Marcel asked the group. 

"It was good, Lottie and I went and enrolled her into school for the fall after you all left," Anne said. 

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